Reserve Bank is organising its third global hackathon – ‘HaRBInger 2024 – Innovation for Transformation’. The Hackathon invites participants to develop solutions using technology and innovative approaches to solve various issues in fintech sector.
Important Dates:
- Start Date: June 07, 2024
- End Date: July 19, 2024
- Winners in each category of problem statements will get prize money of INR 40 lakh.
- Special prize: INR 20 lakh to the best ‘all woman team’ (a team comprising of only woman members), across all the four problem statements.
- Stipend: INR 5 lakh to teams shortlisted for Solution Development (Phase III) for meeting the cost of development of prototype
Themes for Hackathon
Candidates need to solves issues in following fields.
Theme 1: Zero Financial Frauds
i. Real time prediction, detection and prevention of frauds in financial transactions using alternate sources of data including publicly available information.
ii. Ensuring transaction anonymity in token-based (CBDC) transactions while maintaining financial system integrity.
iii. Identifying mule bank accounts/ payment wallets.
Theme 2: Being Divyang Friendly
iv. Accurately identifying banknotes by visually impaired.