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Union Bank Employees stop protest after management accepts their demands

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In a significant turn of events, Union Bank employees called off their protest after the management finally acceded to their long-standing demands. The resolution marks a pivotal moment in the relationship between the bank’s workforce and its management, signaling a renewed commitment to collaboration and fair treatment.

Union Bank association took a progressive step towards addressing the challenges faced by its officers by introducing ‘Mission Swabhiman.’ This initiative aimed to enhance the work-life balance of the bank’s dedicated officers, who have been grappling with staff shortages, high work pressure, late evening meetings, target pressures, and a lack of balance between their personal and professional lives. Union Bank association urged officers to leave the bank by 5:45 pm and withdraw from office WhatsApp groups after work hours.


  1. Congratulations for forcing the management to consider the very genuine demands for the dignity and self respect of officers. This pattern of management behavior is a contagious and wide spread in all the Banks.
    Instead of calling off the organisational program, it should have been HELD IN ABEYANCE a usual Trade Union activity.💪
    Ashok Handa UCO Bank

  2. After the death of an employee first stern action should have been taken against the culprits so that no one ever does this again. These discussions are topic for future.

  3. I congratulate union to corner management to assure work-life balance and restore officers dignity. It is most pathetic state in all banks with demanding performance from branch staff but has failed to fulfil minimum requirements of branch staff to fulfil their duties, over and above ensuring and forcing staff Shortage to humiliate branch staff for nonperformance. An ex-SBIian who resigned on 10 Oct 2023 and accepted and relieved on 10 Jan 2024. My resignation clearly mentioned work-life balance. Management is not having any issue, nor union is interested to raise issue with management. Just not interested in deteriorating working conditions. I appreciate and congratulation AIUBOF for taking up a serious issue which is swept under carpet by all managements in the pretext of performance and business, undermining basic branch requirement to staff to fulfil banks requirements. Unions have gone toothless on the pretext of performance.

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