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UCO Bank Employees forced to sit late in branches

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Employees at UCO Bank are facing an alarming situation as they are being subjected to extended working hours, leading to discussions about the bank’s work culture.

A post on social media platform X brought attention to this issue, stating, “This is the situation at @UCOBankOfficial where the end of the day is not allowed until 9:30 PM. What kind of work culture is this? Employees are human beings too, they are not slaves. Employees also have families.”

The closing time for UCO Bank branches varies significantly across different regions of India, ranging from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. This variation raises concerns about the bank’s work culture and its impact on employees.

A circulated message on WhatsApp instructs employees in the Shimla region to work beyond their official hours to complete pending work related to the PM Kisan Yojana scheme. This directive highlights the pressure faced by employees to meet targets.

A UCO Bank employee, speaking anonymously, revealed, “Officers are expected to stay until 9:30 PM. If this work is centralized, why extend branch hours? It’s a mockery of work-life balance.”

The situation recently escalated with the alleged tragic suicide of a UCO Bank branch manager in Chennai, prompting urgent calls for reforms from the All India Federation of UCO Bank Officers.

Bank of Baroda also faced backlash as employees were required to evaluate loan performance during late-night online meetings, intensifying concerns about work-life balance and target pressures.

SBI employees are grappling with immense pressure to meet hefty SBI Life Insurance targets, raising nationwide concerns about potential mis-selling practices.

Similarly, SBI staff have been burdened with unexpected weekend work to meet targets, fueling worries about maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Amidst the ongoing discussions about implementing 5-day banking, UCO Bank’s demanding expectations from its workforce have raised concerns about achieving a healthy work-life equilibrium.


  1. I am working in as an officer really the most worest job in India…bundles of high targets and immensed pressure on us and leave cannot be sanctioned even we have more leave balance… every year leaves are lapsed.even though I am sick they are calling us to work …work …work …I am advising younger generation please don’t join in SBI

      1. Job in banking sector is getting very worse due to high work pressure, with minimum leave sanctions , attending VC in uncertain timings with long period, harassment in a platform where to perform better, treating branch staff as slaves, technical related issues in banks are great hindrance in day to day banking. Mandatory leaves are in pen and paper forum.

  2. Please don’t join bank if you think you will have work life balance…Join only when you don’t have any option…better than private jobs but not your dream job.

  3. In future most worst profession will be bank employee….none of the children are advised to join bank…high risk, low pay, no peace of mind, never ending job….

  4. No work life balance. Ta bills are getting deducted without any reason by head office. They are asking for 10 rs. bill of rikshaw, how ridiculous.

  5. Please don’t join Bank all thinks Bank a very good job but actually if you want be a banker in psu then ready to be inside the pressure cooker.

  6. Hi
    Yes it is true to say that particularly the Bank employees (Officers) are asking to stay up to 9 pm to 10 pm. As they also human beings, they will also having families. Coming to bank by morning 9.30 to 9.30 pm is a horrible situation. Asking them not to complete day end operations is arbitrary decision, which violates their fundamental rights as well. The arbitrary decision is anti thesis to article 14 of Constitution which guarantees the equality before law.
    Such attitude of Managements are highly condemnable.

  7. If anybody has problem with bank job, leave it immediately. Corores of unemployed highly qulified youths are ready to accept bank job. Work in private sector and enjoy your life. Don’t get ruined in banks.

    1. Please do not promote unhealthy culture. Everyone has the right to spend time with family. If someone is unemployed this is govt need to take care and if someone is qualified they can crack exam and get the job. Who are not working in bank they don’t understand what type of pressure employees need to face in public dealing and handling money is not so easy

    2. Ofcourse people are leaving, more than 50% of those who Join every year leaves bank job within 2 years. Only those who have no other choice but to stay back and make their lives a hell

  8. This is not new,I am a retired bank employee for the last ten years.In our times there was no day end timings as quoted from banks servers.There was manual banking though later on we worked with computers.At that time also employees were forced to sit late even during half yearly and yearly closing of accounts,staffs used worked even past midnight.No overtime,no basic facilities like refreshment, management used behave very badly though there was no reporting . Leaves are refused, officials used to issue explanation on flimsy reason to the subordinates,filthy and bad language were hurled at juniors .There was no social media to highlight the plight of employees.Many times unions and management were hand in glove,in that scenario.Now a days staffs were getting very easy promotion even many people riding from scale I to scale 4 within 15 to 20 years but at that time promotion were very scarce,a clerk used to get promotion after minimum 15 years to become a scale I,a Scale I officer used get promotion to scale 2 after 15 to 20 years.Now the promotion is fast .

    1. Yes, now Promotions are very fast. They are getting scale 5 n 6 also within 20 years of service. So many officers joined as PO in 2004 and 2005 are DGM and AGMs.

  9. This only happened when BJP led government came into being. The most worst government in India. People should throw away this Modi Government asap.

    1. इसमे मोदी कहाँ से आ गया।
      मिश्रा जी रिटायर्ड बैंकर बोल रहे है दशकों से ये होता रहा है।
      मित्र अपनी बात रखो पर राजनीति नहीं होना चाहिए

  10. Join private sector you will see the fun. Many of these who are commenting work culture in banks are BE graduates. Banks Should stop recruiting BE graduates and give reference to BA, BSc, graduates who need job to survive and they will show how to work.

  11. Only for some days you are working till night. And getting frustrated. Think about uniform personal. They have to stand for 24 ×7 . They don’t complain.

  12. Pvt Bank employees are going through this since long. PSU Bankers have enjoyed the typical Sarkri Naukri lifestyle and are now being forced to work, this the real reason they are complaining. There is pressure in every industry and when the country is suffering through such high unemployment, talks of work life balance is futile. Be happy that atleast you have a Job.

  13. Yes rightly said. Nowadays bank job is not a white collared job. Staff shortage, target pressure , job transfers, being called on holidays sitting late has made work life balance worst for officers.

  14. This is same with all other financial organisation. But for that, we are compensated with good pay and perks. If no one is ready to work, he/she may leave the job. But please don’t complain in the public. Very bad.

  15. Working in bank is very difficult that is true but we are better than many unemployed people ask them they will accept this job happily..but yes work and personal life balance should be there..this all depends on strong the union is.

  16. Yes, this is fect that,all PSU bank officer are compelled to sitting late normally 8.00pm by the bank’s authorities, their is no use of five day banking, officer’s will be compelled to come on almost every Saturday and Sunday as usual for the sake of third party products and targets. While their perk’s are going down gradually and service conditions are worsening. I am retired after 36 years service and hold many responsibility during my service time.

  17. If I am not wrong the day quotrd was an exceptional day. However I am of believe that top management should not issue instructions for coming to work on Sunday or holidays. I also worked in UCO Bank for 4o yrs and also held important positions, kept staff motivated and got very good results.

  18. Worked for a pvt bank fir 16 years from 1997- 2013 and worked at a average of 12 hours daily since day 1, worked on Sundays, holiday’s, always pressure work.
    At least nationalized banks were much better and relaxed.

  19. The question is not what a private bank does. Because the officer of a PSU Bank get entry after a toughest competition. Unlike the same in Pvt. Bank through a personal connection or desired by any recruitment agency without sitting in a Pan India competition. So categorically there should be a difference in the expectation of this two groups. Expectation from the Govt is always the ideal and as per law. As such question of extended office hours should be evaluated properly. Everybody knows it is unhealthy, at least the same is thought by the employers of the developed country also. Our country is proceeding towards sixth largest economy. So the greater benefit should be gone to the employee and officers of the PSU Bank as reward. But instead of it they are groaning under the grinding stone of their worthless and callous management.

  20. The day is not far when over financing will led to these banks downfall. Blatant oversight of prudential lending, mis-selling of products. All business lead generation falls on branch head while rests care a least about business. This flawed system will fail eventually. Bank don’t give salary for free, some actually work hard for it. Bank is not Mai baap you work, you get paid for it. That’s the end of relationship.

  21. If you people are so frustrated then leave the job and join your dream job in private sector and enjoy your family life. In this process new unemployed youngsters will get a job opportunity and you people will also get your dream job. यदि आप काम नौकरी समझ कर करेंगे तो यही होगा और यदि अपनी जिम्मेदारी समझ कर करेंगे तो फिर सुकून और आनंद मिलेगा। क्या DM और SP से बैंक ऑफिसर की सैलरी कम है, लेकिन DM और SP की ड्यूटी तो 24×7 की होती है ऊपर से छुटभैये नेताओं का प्रेशर अलग से। यदि कुछ दिन ज्यादा वर्किंग hour हो जाता है तो इससे क्या फर्क पड़ता है। सोच बदलने की जरूरत है।

  22. Pl don’t bullshit in gaining sympathy with a question of work culture? Study after putting a cctv camera and calculate how much time they are either gossiping on the phone or are not in their chair and come to the true conclusions. .

  23. I am not sure who are supporting for late hours. Let me tell you one thing first that we don’t need to compare work culture and salary, perks btw psu and private banks bcs for PSU you need to clear an exam which is the main difference. Second late hours sitting/culture in any organization should not be appreciated. Everyone has family. I can tell you now PSU bank jobs are not so easy.

  24. In central bank of india same condition. Staffs are compelled to sit late beyond 9′ clock. Very shameful situation. One side we talk about work life balance and contrary to this practical scene is quite different.

  25. If days work is not finished in time then obviously there will indeed be late sitting. When work is not completed still we observe Bank employees having a very casual approach towards work. Slowly the number of PSU banks will be brought to 4 and out of this 4 there will be Govt. stake offloaded upto 50 pc.

  26. This is a fight for survival of banks as bank generate own business by competition as sources of income are limited under control of govt, they are maintaining the govt plans implementations with limited staff work power access in limited time duration, as pvt banks don’t have such type of tasks they have only to do business and earn profits, tell the world how many pvt bank branches working in rural areas at far distance, but RRB and PSU banks opened their branch in such areas with high investment and in low income zone perform the jan dhan yojana scheme as direction of govt with a lot of compliance, why paytm bank is falls for non compliance just maintaining profits with zero compliance, this make the difference for overloading the work and disturb the work life balnce, bank employees have family, so respect their work and families also need times.

  27. Really bank employees faces a lot of burden of work. Anyone can see that bank employee continuously work at his seat and gives maximum output. No other govt. deptt. employee works so hard. Moreover, bank employees salary and facilities are less than govt employees. All govt. schemes are implemented through bank. Banks are given targets for maximum loans. When loans turned NPA, employees are accountable. No proper system/tool is provided to bank for smooth NPA recovery and bank employee faces the misbehavior someyime mishandling of defaulters. moreover
    Bank employees works for insurance companies by selling their products.

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