In a surprising turn of events, officers of Utkal Grameen Bank have taken a stand against the authoritarian behavior of their Regional Manager (RM). The Utkal Grameen Bank Officers’ Association (UGBOA) expressed their disappointment over a WhatsApp message sent by the RM to staff members in the Sambalpur region of Odisha.

Mandate to Sell Insurance Policies Sparks Controversy
On March 17, the RM of the Sambalpur region sent a WhatsApp message mandating staff members to sell insurance policies as part of the Sagar Kinare campaign. The message labeled those who fail to comply as “unsociable elements.” The RM’s message conveyed a stern tone, stating that failure to comply would result in termination. This directive from the RM was met with criticism from UGBOA, who found the language used to be dictatorial and disregarding of rules and norms.
All India Regional Rural Bank Employees Association (AIRRBEA) Demands Action
The AIRRBEA, a prominent association representing bank employees, wrote a letter to the Chairman of Utkal Grameen Bank, demanding action against the abusive behavior of the Regional Managers. The letter highlighted the inhumane pressure exerted on branch staff to achieve insurance targets, often accompanied by threats of transfers, denial of promotions, or disciplinary actions. AIRRBEA also raised concerns about the focus on selling third-party products, such as SBI Life Insurance policies, despite a severe staff shortage.

Staff Shortage and Pressure to Meet Targets
Officials of Utkal Grameen Bank have been facing immense pressure to meet targets for selling insurance policies, sponsored by the State Bank of India, despite a significant shortage of over a hundred officers. Despite the shortage, the sale of insurance policies has continued, albeit with resistance due to the abusive language used by the Regional Manager.
Calls for Addressing the Crisis in Regional Rural Banks
Recent strikes have demanded the filling of 30,000 vacancies in Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) and the establishment of the National Rural Bank of India (NRBI). The oppressive behavior of managerial officers at Utkal Grameen Bank highlights the pervasive crisis within RRBs and the overwhelming pressure to achieve targets.
They pressurize staff in branches to sell third party insurance policies as the regional head and md gets opportunity to win a foreign tour. Staff have to hark hard and they will enjoy.
Even a Public sector bank employes facing this kind of issue do u want know the real meaning of work pressure ask private sector bankers specifically (Tamilnad mercantile Bank) they will open bank even in sunday and national holiday in the name of marketing if u can do anything to stop this kind of harassment plz do for us
Public sector banks employees are not doing enough work to justify their salary.
No sympathy from common man towards bankers as bankers regularly harass common man.
I hope all bankers will now feel how much work others do to earn money in other sectors.
What a sorry life you must live to think your other fellow humans don’t deserve any sympathy
Same is all stories of private sector bank they all pressurize on daily campaign to sell daily product Monday life insurance Day tue casa day wed demat day thr fd day frd nps day sat against insurance day they feel employee are sale agent
Public sector banks employees are not doing enough work to justify their salary.
No sympathy from common man towards bankers as bankers regularly harass common man.
I hope all bankers will now feel how much work others do to earn money in other sectors.
Bank has no business to sell insurance policies. This affects mental and physical health of bank staff, we are already suffer from staff shortage and high volume customer base. We don’t want such inhuman practices in bank premises. If they want to sell insurance products, they must let Insurance companies staff to sit in respective banks
@muthu das..u seem to know a lot about us bankers..can u please enlighten us all about the sectors where ppl are working harder than bankers..don’t just pass general insulting comments..look at the profits all public sector banks have added to the ex chequer…u think all of this was achieved by lazy, ungrateful bankers? U r either a simpleton or plain jealous of the contribution that the banking sector has made to country’s overall progress..either way I pity on u.
Insurance entered banks….banks are in ICU…!
Do you know why..?
The people(Banker) who are behind insurance business are too ambitious for personal gain rather than business income.
It’s normal to sell Insurance policies in evry bank..In my banking career of 9 yrs,many campaigns have gone like this by selling Insurance policies..MDRT campaign is one such.Such pressure is there that you start to dream about it at night too.Managers saying you have to sell LI tomorrow or else do it in ur name and ur money or any family’s policy.Dont know when banks will stop selling Insurance policies when it is not even our main products.
Bankers are in real hard pressure and moderately paid. In general they are responsive to customer’s problems. Undue pressure culture particularly selling/misspellings of third party products must be stopped forthwith.