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NSE Launches IRRA Platform: A Safety Net for Investors and Traders

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The National Stock Exchange (NSE) has taken a major step towards ensuring investor and trader safety with the launch of its Investor Risk Reduction Access (IRRA) platform. This game-changer, rolled out on October 3rd, 2023, provides a backup option for trading members and their clients in case of disruptions to the primary or disaster recovery (DR) sites.

What is IRRA and Who Does it Benefit?

Think of IRRA as a virtual life jacket for Trading Members (TMs) – typically stockbrokers and brokerage firms that hold NSE membership and execute trades on behalf of clients. If both the primary platform and DR sites go down, causing trading disruptions, IRRA offers a common platform for TMs supporting internet-based trading (IBT) and Security Trading through Wireless Technology (STWT) to manage their clients’ positions.

Key Features of IRRA:

  • Exit Positions and Square-Off: During disruptions, IRRA allows traders to close out their open positions or square them off as per IRRA guidelines jointly established by all exchanges.
  • Monitor and Manage: TMs get access to an admin terminal where they can monitor their clients’ activities and place square-off orders or cancel pending orders, both for investor and proprietary accounts.
  • Updated Information is Key: NSE wisely recommends that TMs keep their clients’ contact details updated in the Unique Client Code (UCC) system for smooth investor login authorization on the IRRA platform.

What IRRA is Not:

  • For Everyone: IRRA is currently limited to individual investors and does not cater to algorithmic trading or institutional clients.
  • New Orders on Hold: During disruptions, IRRA only facilitates closing positions and canceling pending orders; placing new orders is not possible.

A Giant Leap in Risk Management:

The IRRA platform marks a significant advancement in risk management and position handling within the stock market. It provides much-needed peace of mind for both TMs and investors, knowing they have a safety net in case of unforeseen challenges. This move highlights NSE’s commitment to creating a secure and efficient trading environment for all participants.

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