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Farmer writes letter to Prime Minister against Indian Bank Manager for not sanctioning KCC Loan

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Buddhi Lal, a resident of Kolamjara village in Mau, has written a letter to the President, Prime Minister, and Chief Minister. He mentioned that he has two brothers and owns land in the village. He has been struggling for the past seven months to get a Kisan Credit Card (KCC) from the Indian Bank branch in Bargadh. He has approached bank officials multiple times and submitted letters for a loan, but so far, no card has been issued, and the loan has not been approved. When he inquired about the loan, the branch manager used disrespectful language.

In response to these allegations, Jatiram Meena, the branch manager of the Indian Bank, stated that no disrespectful language was used. He asserted that the accusations are false, and the bank currently has an outstanding Non-Performing Asset (NPA) of nine crore rupees. Officials are actively working on its recovery, leading to a halt in the processing of KCC applications for the time being.


  1. People Government Agencies must GIVE TOP priority attend to FARMERS WHO PRODUCE FOOD They enable all to SURVIVE

  2. Honestly, the problem is with the rich farmer. They only have a tag of farmer. Many are not willing to pay/ renew their KCC amount once the loan is availed. And finally NPAs.

  3. Farmer are not loyalty to the bank for repayment and their version is different after a ailments of the bank loan

  4. Farmers mentality is totally become worst they avail loan and finally tell that govt will waive the loan one or other day so I will not pay and bank officers will end up in accountability issues , farmers mentality should to changed

  5. Most of the farmers not repay their loan. They thought it will be waived. But in reality this it isn’t happen, ultimately loan became NPA. And this gives much headache to bank manager.

  6. Do you think Farmers has to beg the bankers.Govt ./RBI
    issuing clear instructions with regard to sanctioning of loans to farmers.He is in need of loan to continue his agricultural activities in time.There are lot of known corporate defaulters and amount written off. Please don’t blame farmers who feeds the world.

  7. Wrongly done, Should have first asked for loan waiver to PM. Then the new loan and the viscous cycle continues. Thanks we don’t have congress any more.

  8. What should bank do? Already generally Farmers not paid the sanctioned loan in time,so bank shouldn’t allow any loan,

  9. I really meet this type of people here in meghalaya shillong nongpoh branch .. Almost one month i go for change my phone number , but they are not recognise me… even though if cline are there they talk among them…. very disappointed

  10. As we stay in Krishi Pradhan Desh and because farmers only we get this tag. But reality at the ground level about the farmer and KCC is different.

    Banks are helping all the farmers at every level with all type of products. But after some time one announcement comes that “Loan ki mafi hogi”. Due to this out innocent farmer divert their mind and become willful defaulter to the bank.

    Govt. Should rethink about this.

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