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Boss denies leave to employee whose father passed away

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A Reddit user recently shared a screenshot of a text message she received from her boss, which has ignited a firestorm of discussions among internet users. The user claims that the message was sent in response to her absence from work due to her father’s passing. The post has garnered significant attention, with many individuals expressing their outrage over the boss’s alleged insensitivity.

In her post, the Reddit user explained the situation, stating, “My dad passed away, and as a result, I had to miss work. He was in the ICU for two weeks, so I understandably missed a substantial amount of time. I understand that this is not an ideal situation, but I informed my boss and called in today. Unfortunately, this is the response I received.”

She went on to share details about her father’s illness and passing, saying, “My dad was in the ICU from January 25th to February 10th, when we made the difficult decision to let him go. I informed my boss that I would be taking a week off as soon as I realized that his condition was not improving. I returned to work a few days before he passed away and took two days off for the funeral. In total, I took around 10 days off. I resumed work on February 15th, and this is the first time I’ve called off since returning.”

The text message from her boss read as follows: “I have been understanding, but I need you to comprehend that if you want to be a groomer, you need to be present every day. It’s manageable when I only have to open and close, but when I have to juggle dog appointments as frequently as I have had to, it becomes incredibly challenging. While you’re off today, I urge you to consider which position would be best suited for you. We all face hardships, but regardless of circumstances, you must show up every day. I apologize if this seems harsh, but I have a business to run. Ideally, I would prefer to have this conversation in person rather than through texts, but given the circumstances, it seems to be my only option right now.”

Following the woman’s online post, numerous internet users flooded the comment section, expressing their anger towards the boss for criticizing the employee during such a difficult time.

One user shared their own experience, stating, “When my dad suddenly passed away, I received the phone call while I was at work. Without explaining, I simply said, ‘I have to go,’ and immediately left. That night, I texted my manager and explained what had happened. Her response was, ‘Don’t worry about work. Take as long as you need.’ I returned to work a week and a half later, and upon my return, my workplace had sent me flowers. They asked, ‘Are you sure you’re ready to be back?’ That’s how it should be.”

Another commenter advised, “Don’t quit this job! Make them fire you. Make sure to save every text message you receive! Additionally, create an email address so you can correspond with them through email. Keep records of all the responses you receive.”

A third user expressed their frustration, saying, “There’s no room for compassion and understanding when it interferes with capitalism. I despise this.”


  1. It is simply a letter to create undesired pressure and mental torture to the employee, despite of the Finance Ministry a few months ago declared liberalused transfer policy regarding female working employees in Bank.
    This letter having used threstening language against the employee whose father passed away. It is totally against ‘natural law of justice’.
    The matter of illness, birth and death beyond control of human. The letter issuing authority must hear the inner voice of his soul when he sleeps and read the short essay ‘किसा गौतमी को ज्ञान’

    किसा गौतमी सावत्थी के एक धनी व्यक्ति की पत्नी थी । उनकी कहानी बौद्ध धर्म में सबसे प्रसिद्ध कहानियों में से एक है । अपने इकलौते बच्चे को खोने के बाद, किसा गौतमी हताश हो गईं और उन्होंने पूछा कि क्या कोई उनकी मदद कर सकता है। उसका दुःख इतना बड़ा था कि कई लोगों को लगा कि वह अपना दिमाग खो चुकी है। एक बूढ़े व्यक्ति ने उससे बुद्ध को देखने के लिए कहा। बुद्ध ने उससे कहा कि अगर उसे ऐसे परिवार से सफेद सरसों के बीज मिल जाएं जहां किसी की मृत्यु नहीं हुई हो तो वह बच्चे को फिर से जीवित कर सकता है। वह बेताबी से एक घर से दूसरे घर जाती रही, लेकिन उसे निराशा हुई, उसे ऐसा कोई घर नहीं मिला, जिसमें परिवार के किसी सदस्य की मृत्यु न हुई हो। अंततः उसे यह अहसास हुआ कि मृत्यु से मुक्त कोई घर नहीं है । वह बुद्ध के पास लौट आई, जिन्होंने उसे सांत्वना दी और उसे सत्य का उपदेश दिया। वह जागृत हो गई और आत्मज्ञान के प्रथम चरण में प्रवेश कर गई । अंततः, वह अरहत बन गयी ।

    सजन रे झूठ मत बोलो खुदा के पास जाना है
    ना हाथी है ना घोड़ा है वहाँ पैदल ही जाना है

    पद, पैसा, गाड़ी, नश्वर है
    इंसानियत ही साथ जानी है

    Now I again come to the matter that situation take turn more adverse, the employee must mail absolute episode to our respected FM
    Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman without any fear.
    Because it is absolute genuine matter of leave,
    1. under which Bank officers’ service regulations the letter is issued
    2. leave are what for purposes?
    3. to avail leave in such matter of sorrow where a member’s father died and she is being mentally harrassed instead of asking a few words of patience.

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