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Bank Union charges 4% levy from Employees on Net Salary Arrears

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According to the recent 12th Bipartite Settlement, bank employees will receive arrears from 1st November 2022. However, it’s important to note that the bank union has decided to impose a 4% levy on these net salary arrears. This means that a portion of the increased salary will be deducted by the union as a fee from the employees.


  1. Very disgusting action by union to collect levy. 17% increase was accepted although 22% could have been achieved. In the last revision DA % was calculated @07% per slab where as @08%was calculated for LIC employee. No one should pay any levy.

  2. It is really stupid decision on the part of Bank Employees Union for leaving 4 percent to be deducted directly from the arrears. I feel it is an arbitrary decision. I protest vehemently on this demand.

  3. Without levy no organisation can run the show but delaying settlement deliberately by dragging the discussions in order to get more levy is commercial. Amount for delayed period does not fetch interest. So demand for interest on delayed period too should have been part of settlement.

  4. If they deduct levy from me, I am going to put up a complaint of unauthorised deduction to my account. The arrears is being paid because the settlement was not done on time.. We are not receiving any bonus that they’re charging levy over it. It’s just our pending payment that we are getting now.. Moreover, they had earlier said they wouldn’t sign the joint note without approval of 5 day banking, so I feel that we may have been scammed by the association in this regard. Unless 5 day is not approved, I am not going to pay any levy to them. Once that gets implemented then let them take levy, because they went around telling everyone that 5 day banking is the main focus of this settlement..

    And in any case, we are paying a monthly amount to officers association then why levy. We don’t even receive any justification of where that contribution or the levy is being utilised. How do we know what is the end use of these funds, and considering the number of employees making this payment, the corpus being built is huge, and we get no information of where the money goes..

    1. Wage revision is not your right, whatever you are getting is because of Union otherwise you have not get even 1% hike.

      1. Most stupid comment ..Is levy right of the unions? Are unions not accountable. What is the difference between commission agents and unions?

  5. Ready to pay levy but only after implementing of 5 days banking. Because I don’t think the retired association leaders are in any way concerned with the working conditions of the current bank employees. They got their pension increase and are very happy and want now fill their pockets with our levy. Do the existing pensioners payment levy after wage revision, I doubt

    1. How the retired staff will enjoy your levy amount? The levy is collected by the unions of serving staff. Pensioners have their separate association which is not entitled to take part in any bipartite settlement for which they are deprived of their rights to updation of pension . So please don’t mistaken the situation. If possible, try to kick CHV.

  6. The decision of Union is penalty to bank employee since there is no rule in trade union that they will charge 4% .It’s violation of constitution under which Union is formed.While they (Bank union)every month charge union fees and this extra charge of 4% is stupid decision and torture of bank employees who are the members of Union and every month contributing to Bank union.

  7. Is it not a shame to levy 4% without getting all saturdays as holidays.
    Moreover levy is nothing but extortion from bank employees. Desist from such mean activities.

  8. It is totally illogical to part away with 4% levy. Which is against the constitution under which the law was formed. Instead we should have been asked will any contribution will be made by us according to our will. This arear is our hard earned money.. Can’t part with it. I am totally against it. Moreover. 5 days banking should take it’s course. . Otherwise a big NO..

  9. This is totally wrong.It is our hard earned money even we gives them every month union fees.
    It is totally ridiculous and shameful.

  10. Aibea are the union which destroyed bank for many years…because of this type of unhealthy people nation suffers as the banks too..

  11. I never paid 4% Levy from 2002 still . But I will respected our union and union leaders and barrels and commanders.I respected SBSU zindabad zindabad zindabad.

  12. We should thank the Union leaders and Officer association leaders, without whom, we might not have enjoyed many benefits like CCA, HRA, Transportation allowance etc. They demand and fight for us. If they are not there even what we have got might not have come.
    With respect to pension enjoyed by retirees, please note that pension is being paid out of the PF contribution returned / surrendered to the bank and not from the present profit of the bank.

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