Giriraj Singh and his wife Garima Kanwar of Chimanpura village of Chamunderi Panchayat of Pali have achieved success in the final examination of RAS. Giriraj got 127th rank and Garima got 418th rank. Since 2016, Giriraj is posted as Deputy Manager in Jodhpur SBI Bank.
Rajasthan Administrative Service, popularly known as RAS, is a state civil service of state Rajasthan along with Rajasthan Accounts Service, Rajasthan Police Service and other services. The officers are included in the state cadre of civil service officers.
Giriraj made his first attempt for RAS exam in the 2018 exam. But before this his father had died in 2017. Giriraj could not control himself at that time and could not even succeed in the pre-examination. Garima reached the interview in her first attempt in 2018. But could not crack it.
At that time both Giriraj and Garima were in government jobs. Seeing the circumstances of such a family, it was a goal for both of them to concentrate on their job and also to be successful in the examination. Giriraj’s father Manohar Singh Ranaut died in 2017. Giriraj got married to Garima in 2020. Since 2016, Giriraj is posted as Deputy Manager in Jodhpur SBI Bank.
Giriraj had given RAS Pre exam in 2018 but he could not succeed. After that Giriraj did not stop his preparation and this time he achieved success by securing 127th rank in the state. This time Garima Kanwar has got 418th rank in the state. Since 2015, she is working as AEN in Jodhpur PHED. Garima also appeared for the RAS exam in 2018 but could not make it to the final list.

The biggest thing is that at the time Garima was preparing for the interview, she was pregnant. At the time of the final interview, Garima had taken her 8-month-old daughter along with her. Garima and Giriraj tell that both of them were in government service.
He had to concentrate completely on his preparation. But there was more responsibility in the bank and PHED job. In such a situation, after being free from duty at night, he used to prepare for the exam from 5 am to 9 am. He used to get only 4 to 5 hours of study.
In such a situation, instead of going out during weekends, he used to study for 10 to 15 hours. Garima and Giriraj did not get much time during duty. In such a situation, both of them used to discuss daily current affairs while eating which helped in their preparation.