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RBI New Guidelines for Loan Borrowers, Now Banks will provide Key Fact statement of Loan

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The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has taken a significant step towards enhancing transparency in the lending process. In a recent circular, the RBI has directed all banks and finance companies to provide borrowers with a key facts statement that includes comprehensive information about the loan. This statement will include data on all fees, the annual cost of credit, and other important details. The guidelines come into effect from October 1, 2024, and apply to all types of loans for individuals and small businesses, regardless of the lender.


Key Facts Statement Guidelines

The key facts statement is designed to empower borrowers by providing them with clear and concise information about their loans. It ensures that customers fully understand the terms and conditions of their borrowing, enabling them to make informed decisions about their finances. The statement will include the following information:

  1. Basic Loan Information: This section will cover essential details about the loan, such as the loan amount, interest rate, and tenure.
  2. Fees and Charges: The statement will provide a breakdown of all fees and charges associated with the loan, ensuring transparency in cost assessment.
  3. Annual Percentage Rate (APR): For the first time, the RBI has introduced the concept of APR in the key facts statement. The APR represents the annual cost of credit to the borrower, including the interest rate and other charges. It allows borrowers and aggregators to compare the all-in cost of a loan from various lenders effectively.
  4. Recovery Agent Policy: The statement will outline the lender’s policy on recovery agents, ensuring borrowers are aware of the guidelines and procedures in place.
  5. Grievance Contact Details: Contact information for lodging grievances will be provided, enabling borrowers to seek assistance or address any concerns they may have.
  6. Loan Sale Probability: The statement will indicate the likelihood of the loan being sold to other parties, providing borrowers with insight into the potential future ownership of their loan.

Implementation and Compliance

The RBI has directed all regulated entities to implement these guidelines as soon as possible. Starting from October 1, 2024, all new retail and MSME term loans, including fresh loans to existing customers, must comply with the guidelines without exceptions. This implementation ensures that borrowers receive the key facts statement for every new loan they acquire.

The Importance of Transparency in Lending

The RBI’s focus on transparency in lending is a significant step towards ensuring fair practices in the financial industry. By providing borrowers with comprehensive information about their loans, customers can make well-informed decisions and have a clearer understanding of the costs associated with borrowing. This move aims to create a level playing field for borrowers and allows them to exercise greater control over their financial choices.

RBI’s Progressive Approach to Transparency

The RBI has been gradually increasing transparency requirements in the lending sector since 2015. Over the years, the guidelines have evolved to encompass various types of lenders, including microfinance institutions and digital lenders. The introduction of the key facts statement is another progressive measure by the RBI to promote transparency and empower borrowers.

Overall, these new guidelines by the RBI will contribute to a fairer lending landscape by ensuring that borrowers have access to all relevant information needed to make informed decisions about their loans.

One Comment

  1. after launching to provide Key Fact statement of Loan, the huge expenses of displaying banners and posters will be cut down. In routine to print and displaying these posters has considerable Dr to Charges.

    Further more, customer may analysis at his own that which one of lender will be more beneficial for him/her.

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