Baroda UP Bank – the regional rural bank sponsored by Bank of Baroda has posted record net profit of Rs.332.55 crore. This has been possible due to the hard work of employees. The chairman of Baroda UP Bank has appreciated all employees and announced 15 days PLI (Peformance Linked Incentive) for all employees. The financial results of the bank are given below.

The RRBs were established in India under RRB Act 1976 [23(1)]. As per Govt of India notification no 3837 dated 26.11.2019, Baroda Uttar Pradesh Gramin Bank, Purvanchal Bank and Kashi Gomti Samyut Gramin Bank has been amalgamated in to Baroda U.P. Bank under sponsorship of Bank of Baroda with its Head Office at Gorakhpur w.e.f. 01.04.2020