The Malabar Hill police caught a 35-year-old bank employee for stealing gold and cash worth ₹58 lakh from the lockers of two bank customers. They recovered ₹35 lakh worth of stolen gold from him. The accused, Dilipkumar Krishnakumar Chavan, worked at Bank of India since 2013 and was stationed at the Walkeshwar branch. The theft took place between March and April, and the victims noticed it last month and two days ago, respectively.
One victim, Mrinalini Rajiv Jaisinghani, lost valuables worth ₹31.52 lakh, including 323 grams of gold ornaments and ₹83,000 in cash and foreign currency. The police registered a theft case based on her complaint and later identified Chavan as the culprit. Chavan used a duplicate set of keys to steal the ornaments.
The second case was filed by Deepak Mahendrakumar Nathwani, who lost gold and diamond-studded jewelry weighing 332 grams. The police found electronic evidence indicating Chavan’s involvement in both thefts. During interrogation, Chavan confessed and was arrested. He has been charged under Section 380 of the Indian Penal Code and remanded to police custody for three days.
Bank of India Officer arrested in Rs.58 Lakh theft from customers locker
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