Bank IFSC Codes: Bank IFSC Code is a unique identifier for every bank branch in India. It plays a crucial role in facilitating electronic payments via NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS transactions. IFSC (Indian Financial System Code) consists of an 11-character alphanumeric code that helps to identify the specific bank and branch during fund transfers. If you are looking to find the IFSC codes of all banks or want to download the complete list of IFSC codes in PDF format, you’ve come to the right place.
You can check IFSC Codes of all Banks in our app. Click here to download our app. In app, you can check IFSC Codes as per data available from RBI website. You can also download PDF and search IFSC codes. Click here to download PDF.
What is an IFSC Code?
The IFSC code (Indian Financial System Code) is used by the Reserve Bank of India to identify bank branches for various electronic money transfer systems such as NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer), RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement), and IMPS (Immediate Payment Service).
Structure of an IFSC Code:
An IFSC code is a unique 11-character code made up of:
- The first four characters represent the bank name.
- The fifth character is always zero (0), reserved for future use.
- The last six characters refer to the specific branch code.
For example, the IFSC code for the State Bank of India (SBI), Connaught Place branch in New Delhi could be SBIN0000691. Here, “SBIN” represents State Bank of India, and “000691” represents the Connaught Place branch.
Importance of IFSC Code
- Safe Online Transactions: The IFSC code ensures that money is transferred to the correct bank and branch.
- NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS: To use these payment methods, the IFSC code is mandatory.
- Easier Fund Transfers: With IFSC, transferring money is quicker and more secure.
Download IFSC Codes of All Banks – PDF
Looking for a downloadable PDF of all bank IFSC codes in India? We’ve compiled a list of all banks’ IFSC codes to make your searches easier. The list includes IFSC codes for major banks such as:
- State Bank of India (SBI) IFSC Codes
- HDFC Bank IFSC Codes
- ICICI Bank IFSC Codes
- Punjab National Bank (PNB) IFSC Codes
- Bank of Baroda IFSC Codes
- Axis Bank IFSC Codes
- And many more…
How to Find Your Bank’s IFSC Code?
There are various ways to find the IFSC code for your bank’s branch:
- Bank Passbook or Cheque Book: The IFSC code is printed on the top of every bank’s cheque leaf and in your passbook.
- Online Banking Platforms: Most banks provide an option to view the IFSC code of your branch through their online banking platform or app.
- Official Bank Website: The IFSC code can be found on the bank’s official website.
- Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Website: You can find all registered bank IFSC codes on the RBI’s official website.
- IFSC Code Finder Tools: You can also use various online IFSC code finder tools available to search for a specific bank’s branch IFSC code.
Popular Banks and Their IFSC Code Formats:
State Bank of India (SBI) IFSC Code:
- Format: SBIN0**** (Example: SBIN0001234)
- Total Branches: 22,000+ in India
HDFC Bank IFSC Code:
- Format: HDFC0**** (Example: HDFC0001234)
- Total Branches: 5,000+ in India
- Format: ICIC0**** (Example: ICIC0001234)
- Total Branches: 5,200+ in India
Axis Bank IFSC Code:
- Format: UTIB0**** (Example: UTIB0001234)
- Total Branches: 4,800+ in India
Punjab National Bank (PNB) IFSC Code:
- Format: PUNB0**** (Example: PUNB0001234)
- Total Branches: 10,000+ in India
IFSC codes are essential for smooth and safe banking transactions in India. Whether you are sending money via NEFT, RTGS, or IMPS, having the correct IFSC code is crucial. To make your banking experience easier, download our comprehensive list of IFSC codes of all banks in PDF format and ensure seamless transactions every time.
Precise and important information very useful in daily routine work.