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Are promotions in Public Sector Banks not fair?

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Public Sector Banks play a crucial role in supporting the Indian Economy. They cater to the needs of a vast majority of Indians and provide employment opportunities to countless individuals. Each year, around 2 million aspirants compete in various bank examinations, such as IBPS PO, SBI PO, IBPS Clerk, and SBI Clerk, in hopes of securing a position in these banks. However, recent concerns have emerged regarding the promotion policies within the banking sector.

Specifically, the promotion process, particularly in the higher positions, has come under scrutiny for its alleged reliance on nepotism rather than meritocracy. This issue has been raised by the general secretary of the All India Punjab National Bank Officers Federation on X (formerly Twitter).

Please tell us in the comment section what do you think – whether promotions in public sector banks are fair not. If you want to share your story with us please send it on whatsapp to us @ 8736093825. Click here to join our whatsapp group.

Why promotions should be based on Meritocracy?

Meritocracy is of utmost importance in any organization, including public sector banks. Promotions based on talent rather than nepotism ensure fairness, transparency, and overall efficiency within the banking sector. Here are a few reasons why meritocracy should be the guiding principle for promotions:

  1. Equal opportunities: Promoting individuals based on their abilities and performance provides equal opportunities for all employees. It ensures that hardworking and talented individuals are recognized and rewarded, regardless of their background or connections. This fosters a sense of fairness and motivates employees to strive for excellence.
  2. Optimal resource allocation: By promoting individuals based on merit, organizations can allocate their resources effectively. Talented individuals are more likely to bring valuable skills, expertise, and innovative ideas to higher positions. This promotes efficiency and ensures that the right people are in the right roles, leading to better decision-making and overall organizational success.
  3. Employee morale and motivation: Merit-based promotions boost employee morale and motivation. When employees see that their hard work and dedication are recognized and rewarded, they feel valued and motivated to continue performing at their best. This creates a positive work environment, fosters healthy competition, and encourages professional growth.
  4. Retention of top talent: In a meritocracy, top performers are more likely to stay within the organization. When employees see that their talent and hard work are acknowledged and that there are opportunities for growth, they are less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere. This helps organizations retain their best employees, which is crucial for long-term success.
  5. Trust and credibility: Promoting individuals based on talent and merit enhances the trust and credibility of the organization. It sends a message to both employees and external stakeholders that the organization values fairness, transparency, and competence. This can have a positive impact on the reputation of the organization and build trust among customers, shareholders, and the public.


  1. सब कहने की बाते हे जो बाहुबली हे वो प्रमोट होता है और जो ईमानदार और मेहनती हे वो नौकरी छोड़ देता हे क्योंकि वो टिक नहीं पाता हे।

  2. Promotion process in nationalised banks is not in conformity with the guidelines nowadays. Promotions are being given to persons not with talent and merit but with sycophancy and mediocrity. Especially the downtrodden are badly affected. Unfortunately, there is mechanism to check the anomalies

  3. This has been happening for. the past 50 years and the association and unions are also part of the scam with the managemen.More than that the interference during congress regime especially during chidambaram was so high that really deserving people will get promotion.after exhausting all recommendation list. Even state ministers will give a list.Horrible and atrocious .

  4. Promotions in banks are mostly given to staff working in back office, regional office, zonal office etc as they score more marks in annual assessment. Staff working in branches has to bear all grudges from customers and also from higher management

  5. Yes you are right sir…not only GM,CGM level,from scale 1 to all scale are effected by influence..

  6. No promotions are not merit based atleast from Scale IV and onwards.
    There are lobby groups based on state,caste etc. In eastern states there r strong Bihari,oriya lobby

  7. Promotions in PSU banks are being managed by the ruling class. Criteria is managing through executives, bureaucrats, directors of the banks and politicians. Officers of SC/ST/OBC don’t have this type of merits. This is the meritocracy.

    1. Very correctly said, the present day scenario is perfectly the same, worthy candidates are put aside.
      Only the people flattering the higher ups, the people who are offering goodies ,and people working in controlling offices, are promoted

      The real talent and hardworking people are thrown aside

  8. Ajj kal imandar or tallented officers ki koi value nahi hai mere husband ko bhi je sab face karna pada or fir at the end onko vrs lene padi

  9. I am from SBI, Bank officail cheated my promotion, gave hall ticket for promotion exam. But did not allow me to take exam. I complained National commission for SC. They found tampering of confidentail annal performance reports…Bank did not give justice evenafter direction from commission..i had moved to High court Bangalore…but harrassed me financially, no work given for 2 years, cheated in request transfer, cheated in officially agreed cancellation of request transfer, terminated VRS basis with terminal benifits but relieving letter not given still. God is silient…..

  10. In the promotion process interview panel people how they will decide in 5 mins one person is eligible? There is no uniform or scientific method to give interview marks.. exam, role function, career certificates, achievements in the daily routine will show the eligible candidate.. based on that promotion to be given to the member.. interview not at all recommended.. There only all the recommendations will come in the picture..

  11. Vacancies for Scale V onwards are very limited say less than 100 but candidates more than 2000 are made eligible. People are sitting in scale IV for years. Juniors get chance and seniors are being ignored. There is overall frustration in Senior Management. Five stagnation increments for IV in real example of very few vacancies.

  12. Yes promotion are not given to meritorious and experienced staff. Most of promoted with influence and recommendations. It has to be changed. Pls consider merit marks in exams only. Don’t conduct interview.

  13. Officers / Managers working in branches are used as shield. It is they who toil / work hard and when it is promotion, first in the line to get are officers Working RO /ZO / Back Office.

  14. It true that a large number of officials of a Public Sector Banks do not get promotion on their merits. The socalled Specialist officesrs such as Law Officers, Economists, Engineers, Hindi Officers etc are worst affected. As the NPS has been introduced, most of them seek premature resignation after gaining experiences & join in Private Banks.

  15. I was a DRO in Bank of Baroda. I was always a merit holder and cracked the DRO exam in one attempt.
    In spite of excellent performance through out, could not get promotion after scale III due to defective performance review system then prevailing in the bank. The review authority, the regional head, wanted me to help him in getting bribes from the clients to which I never agreed and my performance review was totally lowered. Aggravated by the same I took VRS at the age of 53 year only.
    On the other hand Bank was kind enough in promoting lot of officers in top management cadre just before 1 to 2 months of their superannuation.

  16. From my bitter experience in a public sector bank for 27 years 1983-2011, my comments are shaped. What i watched after departure conditions still worse. As a PO i joined but my efforts to get promoted thwarted from power centre, in spite of my quality of work appreciated on public forums by my superiors, wherever I am posted. I appealed to CMD more than once or twice. Ultimately I took VRS collecting the certificate for 25 yrs of blemishless service and left. That’s the summary.

  17. In accepting comments also partiality? Where is my comment, when you have responded that I have already submitted

  18. Thank you. Sorry for the spontaneous comment from a person who faced injustices throughout his career

  19. Even marks are not published after exam….Interview panel in 5 minutes decide who will get promotion…Marks of interview and written and other criteria should be published after exam so that one can know where he /she is lacking….no transparency is there….Interview marks should be reduced….Because main game is played there only…..even names of meritorious people are being removed before 2-3 days also on basis of recommendation to adjust boot licking persons…

  20. Yes. This is a fact. I have seen many of my colleagues who had worked as Branch Managers and were excellent in the field were not promoted. Their appraisals were done by their biased seniors who had worked for several years in controlling offices. I have also seen officers being promoted in the same seat without contributing in any way to the performance of the institution. Their only ‘qualification’ being close to some of the executives in the bank.

  21. The fact is from clerical staff to Top promotions there is lobby and people desperately using as if they don’t use their promotion will not happen.

    Work culture is pathetic . If you won’t work no worries . If u work then you will be overburdened. I saw a clerk who just sat at office whole day doing nothing and no management utter a word 😂.

    The best thing is if you are skilled and sincere have a good switch .. because your skills are most important thing that no one can take away👍

  22. Not only promotions to scale 7 and 8, even at the lower levels, there is rampant favoritism. The institution suffers when mediocrity is favored and merit is ignored. This will ultimately reflect in the growth of the organization

  23. The PSU banks have CVO a insider( onlybankers) , if the CVO are from outside the game will change.There should be IPS/IAAS/central Group A services officers.

  24. Promotions at every level are done only with connections and influence- both internal and external – no merit. The meritorious are demoralized and hence gradually the quality of human resources deteorating. To sustain motivation at field level is increasingly becoming difficult. The right man in right place is forgotten .

  25. I joined as Agriculture officer in the year 1984 in one of the top PSB with lot of hopes in mind and planning to implement the welfare of downtrodden people under various Govt sponsored schemes . During my tenure of 36.5 yrs I got 33 transfers with almost each year a new assignment that was a good opportunity to prove my skills. After completion of each assignment my work performance was duly appreciated by honest and sincere higher officials but when process of promotions started these seniors will be compelled by someone top level executive to spoil my performance rating so that I should not get promotion. During my entire career I could get promotion only up to scale V executive that too each & everytime with the help of my South Indian executives who were kindly enough to recognise my honesty , knowledge and dedication to the organisation. My good number of colleagues who were hand inglove with the regional heads or circle heads to make them happy by all unethical practices were promoted to GM or CGM level . My only request through this forum is to make the Annual Performance Appraisal system very transparent and promotions up to General Manager level through 60 % written test weightage, 20% performance and only 20% interview weightage. Written test marks and performance appraisal marks must be conveyed to each eligible candidate before commencing interview so that one should be ready to accept the challenge.
    Promotion policy shouldn’t be changed abruptly without considering the fate of seniors because lot of seniors suffers due to sudden change in the policy and more weightage to juniors. Each Bank must have promotion policy in equality for seniors through normal promotion process and for juniors through fast track channels . I have observed in my life that your honesty, knowledge and sincerity cannot be recognised by dishonest and duffer bosses because they always seeks favours in one or the other ways and spoils the careers of their subordinates due to jealousy or indifferent attitude.

  26. Very True. Scale promotions in PSBs are purely on the basis of choice of the Executives. They select candidates of their choice even if he/she gets less number in GD/Interview. Marks are managed later as per Top executives’ choice. Till final list of candidates is not decided, GD/INTERVIEW marks are kept open for changes(till last day).

  27. In Nationalized Bank promotion depends on how many GM including your Present GM recommend you for promotion. They promote employees not on their performance basis but recommend basis. The branch head who are achieving budget and earning income for banks are actually rarely get promoted after Chief Manager . People who are sitting above them in Zonal, GM office and Head office level who are directly in touch with higher authorities will get easily promoted without doing any targets . Interviews are just a formalities .Each executives promote their favourite candidates. Useless promotion policy . They are always neglect Good telented people who got frustrated when they are not getting promoted after many attempts. I too got frustrated when a person who is junior to me got promoted and made my boss who even doesn’t know banking. It’s humiliating.

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