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Retired Bank Manager left home due to cruelty by son and daughter in law

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Agra: On Monday, Uttam Singh, a retired bank manager, arrived at the Ramlal Old Age Home in Sikandra, Agra, accompanied by his wife. Their arrival was marked by tears as Uttam’s wife shared the heartbreaking tale of their son and daughter-in-law’s cruelty. They revealed that they were subjected to daily abuse, enduring physical beatings and deprivation of basic necessities such as food. Additionally, their son and daughter-in-law would seize the pension that they received. Overwhelmed by the relentless harassment, the couple sought solace at the old age home.

Dheeraj Chaudhari, a staff member at the ashram, recounted that Uttam Singh and his wife arrived in the afternoon after enduring days of hunger and thirst. As soon as they were provided with a much-needed meal, Uttam’s wife opened up about the ordeal they had endured. Concerned about their well-being, the staff attempted to contact their son, but their attempts went unanswered.

The arrival of Uttam Singh and his wife at the Ramlal Old Age Home serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerability and mistreatment that some elderly individuals face within their own families. It is a poignant call to action for society to address and rectify such injustices, ensuring the safety and dignity of our seniors.