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Punjab National Bank Officers Union complains about Day End restriction on Branches

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PNB: All India Punjab National Bank Officers’ Association (AIPNBOA) has recently written a letter to Zonal Manager Lucknow regarding Day End Restriction imposed on branches.

What AIPNBOA said?

We would like to bring in your kind notice that the DAYEND of branches under the jurisdiction of Zonal Office Lucknow was restricted on 30.01.2024 due to overdraft in the various accounts in lieu of transaction initiated by the customer through IMPS/ UPI.

It is pertinent to mention here that the account debited through IMPS/ UPI without the available balance in the account is may be due to the technical glitch in FINACLE or due to some other reasons without the intervention of the field staff. We have also raised this issue many times through various forums (IT steering, MRM etc.) of our association and also requested to the management regarding the prospective threats of such glitch.

We also mention here that all the field staff are doing their best by putting 100% efforts to recover the overdraft amount and also for recovery in NPA account, CBR, PNPA etc. and at the end of the month most of the branches has brought down the PNPA to almost NIL and also trying for recovery in NPA accounts but such action of imposing the DAYEND check for above mention reason is diverting the focus of the field staff from the main agenda.

In the last quarter Bank has witnessed the remarkable growth in the various business parameters and field staff holds the major role in the growth. We need to continue such performance in ongoing year ending quarter also so that we may secure the good business growth in YOY. In such a crucial time where we need to focus on the key balance sheet figures, we are being diverted due to such unauthorized action of the management.

All the time through our various communications, we have tried to convey our concern to the management that the Circle Office / Zonal Office should handhold the branch in their need and try to create a healthy and motivational environment in the zone for all the staff to work efficiently but all the times it seems that we failed to convey our concern. The field staffs feel very much stressed, harassed and cheated due to such action.

We urge up you to take necessary steps to stop creating such unhealthy and stressful environment under your jurisdiction. We, the field staffs, need the support, guidance and handholding from Zonal office / Circle Office to keep our flag high.


  1. Such situation genuinely aggregates the stress already borne by the field staff. The point of allowing overdraft in such manner not only risks bank interest but also recovery is strenuous. Whether this is due to technical glitch or loopholes of policy decisions should strictly be dealt with.

  2. All psu banks should be privatized…employees of PSU bank especially SBI and PNB…think that the they are doing a favor to the bank rather then vice versa

  3. It seems at the end it will be NPA not affecting staff!! but public at large?? LET CENTRAL GOVT LOOK IN TO IT WITH ALL SERIOUSNESS. IT IS URGENT & ATTENDED IMMEDIATELY .

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