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PNB Bank Suspends Two Officers on customer complaint

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The management of PNB Bank has suspended two officers at CPPC Ludhiana due to some issue in pension of customer.

The pensioner receives two pensions: a regular pension and a family pension. In 2021, she submitted a life certificate for both pensions on November 16, 2021, using the ‘Jeevan Pramaan’ App. This certificate covered the period from December 2021 to November 2022. For the current year, she submitted a life certificate only for the regular pension on November 10, 2022, but not for the family pension. The issue only came to the attention of CPPC officials when she approached them on July 4, 2023, and they noted that it was uploaded to the portal only on June 2, 2023.

It is possible that she may have submitted the life certificate for both pensions on November 10, 2022 (even though the date on the certificate only shows one pension). However, the software did not capture it. This is just a possibility, and there is no proof available to confirm whether she submitted it or not.

If there were no other issues with the software, she should have received her family pension in June 2023 since the life certificate was uploaded on June 2, 2023.

However, when this did not happen, she approached CPPC Ludhiana on July 4, 2023. CPPC observed that there was no submission of a life certificate for the family pension by the pensioner in November 2022, and it was uploaded only on June 2, 2023, possibly by the branch.

However, since she still did not receive the family pension in June 2023, CPPC officials attempted to rectify the issue through the ‘Revision of Pension Status’ in the GBSS menu. They discovered that the software system had suspended the Customer ID, possibly due to a conflict, such as the system treating her as a sister instead of a spouse. CPPC could have corrected this ‘Revision of Pension Status,’ but the software system did not allow it, even though it could have been resolved on July 4, 2023. Since the system did not permit it, CPPC Ludhiana escalated the issue to GBD via email on July 5, 2023, along with three other cases. The emails were also sent to concerned departments.

CPPC Ludhiana faced various technical glitches and took up numerous such issues with the technical team due to the deficiency of services provided by various vendors. These vendors are responsible for maintaining various items without being held accountable for their performance.

In this entire episode, there was no fault on the part of the bank’s officers at any level. Therefore, the bank union has kindly requested a thorough investigation of the matter and the immediate revocation of the suspension of these two innocent officers.