Bank Home Loan: In recent times, Indian banks have been actively promoting personal loans, to the extent that the proportion of personal loans in the total credit portfolio has surpassed that of loans extended to industries over the past two years.
Loans in Various Years
As of September 2021, industrial loans held a majority share, surpassing 30% of the total loan allocation. Nevertheless, in subsequent years, there was a notable rise in the share of personal loans, reaching 33% by the year 2023.
Year-on-year (y-o-y) growth in loans: Bank wise
Private banks are at the forefront of the surge in personal loans. For instance, personal loans extended by private banks exhibited a year-on-year growth of 17.8% in September 2021, 18.8% in September 2022, and a remarkable 52.6% in September 2023. In comparison, the corresponding figures for industrial loans from private banks were 8.6%, 14.2%, and 10.7%, while those for the service sector were 5.6%, 30.2%, and 25%.