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Punjab Government Lists New Office Timings – 7:30 am To 2 pm, No Lunch Break

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On Tuesday, the Punjab government implemented new work hours for state government departments. The new timetable is from 7.30 am to 2 pm, eliminating the earlier 30-minute lunch break but allowing employees to work an hour less than before.

The change will be in effect until July 15 and is expected to save an estimated ₹40-42 crore during the period due to reduced power consumption.

The new work hours were implemented to maximize the use of sunlight in government offices, help employees avoid the afternoon heat, and ensure that parents and children are not inconvenienced. Employees’ feedback was taken into account before the decision was made, and the change is not intended to affect domestic or industrial power consumers.

The move has already attracted interest from other states, and feedback from employees and the public will be taken into account before deciding whether to extend the change beyond July 15.

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