A recent operation by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has uncovered a case of corruption at the Sarkada Khas Vishnoi branch of Prathama UP Gramin Bank in Moradabad. The operation resulted in the apprehension of the bank manager, Sachin Pasal, and his associate, Mukesh Kumar, who were caught red-handed accepting a bribe of Rs. 2,000.
Details of the Incident:
The CBI team, dispatched from Ghaziabad, conducted a raid at the bank on Friday afternoon at approximately 3:15 pm. They intercepted Sachin Pasal and Mukesh Kumar as they were in the act of receiving the bribe.
The case arose when Amit Kumar, a farmer from Maheshpur village, sought to repay his Kisan Credit Card (KCC) loan of Rs. 1.80 lakh in 11 months instead of 12, and renew his KCC. Allegedly, Sachin Pasal demanded Rs. 4,000 from Amit to facilitate the process. Despite repeated requests and delays, the manager insisted on the bribe for renewing the KCC.
Execution of the CBI Operation:
Following Amit’s complaint, the CBI devised a plan. On Friday afternoon, Amit visited the bank with Rs. 1.82 lakh, out of which Rs. 1.80 lakh was the loan amount and Rs. 2,000 constituted the bribe. Upon handing over the money, Amit informed Pasal that the remaining Rs. 2,000 would be brought by his brother.
Subsequently, as Pasal accepted the bribe and handed it to Mukesh Kumar, the CBI team moved in and arrested both individuals.
Personal Information:
Sachin Pasal resides in Lodhipur Rajput, Moradabad, and currently lives with his family in Amroha Awas Vikas. Mukesh Kumar hails from Faridpur Kasam.