A special investigation team (SIT), in collaboration with Bihar Police, conducted a raid on a residential flat in the Buddha Heights society in Sarnath, Varanasi, early Friday morning. The flat belongs to Vipin Tiwari, the director of several Rural Bank branches in Bihar. The operation lasted three hours and created a state of panic in the society.
The SIT searched the flat and questioned the family members present. During the operation, documents and certain numbers were seized by the team. Though some cash was reportedly recovered, no official statement regarding the amount has been made. Strict security measures were in place, with access to the block and flat restricted, and the family members remaining inside throughout the operation.
Investigation Linked to Suspicious Transactions
Vipin Tiwari, a resident of Patna, Bihar, oversees Rural Bank operations in several districts of the state. These banks primarily serve rural areas, facilitating small deposits and withdrawals. Tiwari resides in flat 1408 of Buddha Heights, while his children study in Varanasi.
The investigation stems from irregularities in financial transactions reported in Tiwari’s bank branches. Authorities noticed frequent large transfers from external accounts into Gramin Bank accounts, followed by withdrawals from various branches. These activities raised suspicions of potential money laundering. Despite requests for account details, bank employees stated that such transactions were authorized by the director.
Raid and Recovery
Acting on these suspicions, the SIT and Bihar Police arrived at Tiwari’s flat on Friday. During the raid, they reportedly recovered documents linked to the transactions and questioned Tiwari and his family. The team later took Tiwari into custody for further investigation. Local police and society security personnel were present to ensure order during the operation.
The SIT suspects that the transactions could involve large-scale money laundering, and further inquiries are underway to trace the flow of funds. Authorities are expected to examine the seized documents and accounts in detail to unravel the case.