Are you a credit card user? If yes, then you should definitely read this article. Several major credit card issuers in India have announced changes to their policies, which will come into effect in April 2024. Let’s have a look at the new credit card rules.
SBI Credit Card Changes:
- SBI Card has announced that the accrual of reward points on rent payment transactions will be discontinued for certain credit cards, including AURUM, SBI Card Elite, SBI Card Elite Advantage, SBI Card Pulse, and SimplyCLICK SBI Card, starting from April 1, 2024 [[3]].
- The accumulation of reward points on rent payment transactions for certain credit cards will end on April 15, 2024.
YES Bank Credit Card Changes:
- Starting from April 1, 2024, YES Bank credit cardholders who spend Rs 10,000 or more in a calendar quarter will be eligible for complimentary domestic lounge access.
ICICI Bank Credit Card Changes:
- From April 1, 2024, ICICI Bank credit cardholders can enjoy one complimentary airport lounge access by spending Rs. 35,000 in the preceding calendar quarter. Spends made in the preceding quarter will unlock access for the subsequent quarter.
Axis Bank Credit Card Changes:
- Axis Bank has implemented several changes to its credit card policies, effective from April 20, 2024:
- Spending on fuel, insurance, and gold/jewelry will not be eligible for basic or expedited EDGE REWARD Points.
- Spends on insurance, gold/jewelry, and fuel categories will be excluded from the spends threshold for annual fee waiver.
- The complimentary guest visits applicable on domestic and international lounge programs will be revised from 8 guest visits to 4 guest visits.
Please note that these changes are subject to the respective credit card issuers’ terms and conditions. It is advisable to refer to the official websites or contact the respective banks for detailed information on the specific changes and their implications.