Bank Robbery

Robber attacked SBI Bank Employees with knife in Kanpur

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SBI Kanpur Robbery: A big bank robbery took place in Kanpur. A robber entered the bank and attacked the staff with a knife. The robber attacked the bank guard, cashier and other staff present in the branch. The incident happened at the State Bank of India (SBI) Patara Branch in Ghatampur, Kanpur.

SBI Kanpur Patara Ghatampur Robbery CCTV Footage

SBI Kanpur Patara Ghatampur Robbery Attack Video

SBI Kanpur Patara Ghatampur Robbery Photos and Images

SBI Kanpur Patara Ghatampur Robbery News Story: What Happened

The incident occurred around 10:30 AM at the State Bank in Patara town, Ghatampur. A man, armed with a country-made pistol, entered the bank and attempted to rob it. The security guard, Sunil Kumar, noticed the weapon and tried to stop the robber. In response, the robber attacked the guard, stabbing him twice. The bank’s manager, Birendra Kumar, cashier Prannath Shukla, and female employee Sapna Kumari quickly rushed to the scene, but the robber turned violent and attacked them with the knife as well.

For the next 30 minutes, the robber continued his rampage inside the bank, but the employees did not give up. Despite the serious injuries sustained by the guard, manager, and cashier, they managed to surround the robber. When other people from the neighborhood heard the commotion and entered the bank, their support gave the employees more courage. Together, they were able to disarm the robber, tying him with a rope until the police arrived.

Cashier Prannath Shukla said that they were initially frightened when the robber attacked, but they quickly realized they had to act to prevent a robbery. “We were terrified, but we knew that if we didn’t fight back, he would steal from the bank and run away,” Shukla said.

Sapna Kumari, the female assistant, played a crucial role in alerting others for help. As the situation escalated, she sounded the bank’s alarm, drawing in people from nearby areas. She also contacted the police, who arrived within half an hour.

The police immediately began investigating the scene after receiving the report. The robber, who had been injured during the struggle, was taken to Patara CHC for treatment. Doctors there gave him first aid before referring him to Kanpur’s Hallet Hospital for further care. However, the police kept the robber under custody. The injured employees were also treated at local hospitals.

According to Ghatampur Inspector Dhananjay Kumar Pandey, the police are continuing to investigate the incident. Forensic teams collected evidence from the bank, including the country-made pistol, knife, and two sharp blades used by the robber.

The identity of the robber has not been revealed yet, and the investigation is ongoing. The police are questioning the robber to learn more about his motives. The quick response of the bank employees and the nearby people helped prevent a potentially dangerous robbery, while also showcasing their bravery and teamwork.


  1. well done all staff
    I request to the Bank Management the injured staff must be given best treatment in best hospital on Bank’s expenses.
    The female assistant should be rewarded with “Galantry reward” and out of turn promotion.

    1. बैंकों की सुरक्षा के लिए और सुरक्षानात्मक उपाय और पकड़े गये अपराधियों को तुरन्त कड़ी सजा का प्रवधान हो, खौफ, डर हो ताकि येसी वारदातें न हो। सउदी अरेबिया में खौफ की वजह से ही अपराध निल है जब भारत में भी इसी तरह की खौफ हो।

  2. बैंक के साहसी कर्मचारियों को सलाम!

    आज कानपुर में हुई बैंक डकैती की घटना में बैंक के कर्मचारियों ने अपनी बहादुरी और साहस का परिचय दिया। उन्होंने डकैतों का सामना किया और अपनी जान जोखिम में डालकर बैंक की संपत्ति और ग्राहकों की सुरक्षा की रक्षा की।

    विशेष रूप से कैशियर प्राणनाथ शुक्ला और महिला सहायक सपना कुमारी को उनकी बहादुरी और त्वरित प्रतिक्रिया के लिए सलाम। उनकी हिम्मत और साहस ने न केवल बैंक की संपत्ति की रक्षा की, बल्कि आस-पास के लोगों की जान भी बचाई।

    बैंक के सभी कर्मचारियों को उनकी वफादारी और सेवा भावना के लिए धन्यवाद। आप सभी की बहादुरी और टीम वर्क का प्रदर्शन वाकई प्रशंसनीय है। आपकी इस बहादुरी ने न केवल बैंक की प्रतिष्ठा को बढ़ाया है, बल्कि समाज में भी एक सकारात्मक संदेश दिया है।

    आपकी बहादुरी और साहस को सलाम! हमें आपके जैसे साहसी और वफादार कर्मचारियों पर गर्व है।

  3. Highly commendable, the staff of the branch should be given special cash reward and the contractual guard should also be rewarded with permanent job in the Bank

  4. I am also a SBI bank staff. Great salute to bank staff and guard who have not only saved the bulk amount of money but also shown the bravery and loyalty towards the organisation. Every branch should be secured by armed guard and metal detector at the entrance.
    Bank staff and guard should be rewarded.
    Jai bank staff. Jai State Bank of India.

  5. लगता है चोरों को चोरी की अच्छी ट्रेनिंग नहीं मिली थी।

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