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Protest against Aryavart Bank transfer policy in Lucknow, Bank employees surrounded head office

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A protest erupted on Tuesday at the Aryavart Bank headquarters in Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, as employees expressed their dissatisfaction with the current transfer process. The employees firmly opposed the manner in which transfers were being conducted and demanded a change in the transfer policy. The protestors gathered at the head office, voicing their concerns and chanting slogans.

Protest Video

Transfers done in July

Employees highlighted that transfers and postings are typically discussed in March-April each year. However, this time, employees were being transferred abruptly in July, causing significant inconvenience. Many employees had already made arrangements for their children’s education, making these last-minute transfers unjustifiable.

No Consultation with Bank Association

Furthermore, the employees criticized the lack of communication and consultation with the bank association regarding the transfers. They emphasized that it is customary for officers and the association to engage in discussions before transfers, ensuring that everyone’s concerns are taken into account. Unfortunately, this time, the bank’s leadership failed to fulfill their responsibilities in this regard.

Adverse impact of transfers

The untimely transfers were also negatively impacting the employees’ work and personal lives. The protesters emphasized their dedication and loyalty to the Aryavart Bank, but emphasized the importance of considering their health and family situations. Transferring individuals 100-200 kilometers away from their current location was seen as an unjust practice.

It was revealed that around 2,500 out of the bank’s 7,000 employees were being subjected to transfers. In light of this, the employees demanded a revision of the transfer policy, emphasizing the need to prioritize the well-being of bank employees and their families.

The protest has prompted discussions between senior officials of the bank and employee representatives, as efforts are made to address the concerns raised in the 10-point demand letter submitted by the employees of Aryavart Bank.

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