
PNB Bank Strike: AIPNBOF announced Strike on 26 and 27 December, PNB Bank may remain Closed

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PNB Bank Strike: All India Punjab National Bank Officers’ Federation (AIPNBOF) has announced 2 day strike on 26 and 27 December. AIPNBOF has said that there is a severe staff shortage in Punjab National Bank and the Bank should immediately recruit more staff. AIPNBOF has released its list of demands which are as follows.


  • Immediate acceptance and implementation of IBA-approved five-day banking week by the Government of India (owner of the bank).
  • Adequate recruitment of staff to address staff shortages in branches.
  • Perquisite tax payment to be borne by the bank and not the employees.
  • Allow employees under NPS to choose their Pension Fund Manager.
  • Payment of arrears for medical aid to officer employees for the period 01-11-2022 to 31-12-2023.
  • Stop discrimination in leave and transfer matters among officers’ associations office-bearers.
  • Stop discrimination between AINBOF and other officer associations in bank circulars, specifically by the HRD and Finance divisions.
  • Stop victimization of members through transfer orders against the bank’s own guidelines in various circles.
  • Oppose weaponization of transfer and posting by circle heads.
  • Stop year-round transfers of officers against the bank’s and government’s own guidelines.
  • Oppose violations of promotion allocation guidelines and transfer policies to accommodate officers of specific associations.
  • Allow officers to join any association online through HRMS (Self Service).
  • Provide the right to hold Management Relations Meetings (MRM) at various levels with the management.
  • Stop window dressing of business performance and avoid rewarding individuals who use unethical means to inflate performance during campaigns.
  • Stop day-end checks on branches and holiday working for officers.
  • Increase the loaning power of general banking branches.
  • Stop evaluating PAF marks through Udaan due to its numerous discrepancies.
  • Stop undue pressure on bank employees for cross-selling third-party products.
  • Stop issuing tabular/charge sheets to officers against the bank’s staff accountability policy.
  • Stop investigations based on anonymous and pseudonymous complaints.
  • Address corporate mismanagement in Muzaffarnagar and Kurukshetra circles, which has adversely impacted the bank and its customers; demand action against such corporate officials.
  • Adopt the government-proposed transfer policy with improvements to ensure every officer gets an opportunity to move to a desired circle on request, anywhere in the country.
PNB Employees participating in Strike: Black Badge Wearing
PNB Employees participating in Strike: Black Badge Wearing
PNB Employees participating in Strike: Black Badge Wearing
PNB Employees participating in Strike: Black Badge Wearing

AIBOA Himachal Pradesh has also extended its support to AIPNBOF. AIBOA has decided unanimously to extend total support and solidarity to striking comrades of AIPNBOF. Hence, AIBOA (HP) state committee decided to support the call of two days strike in Punjab National Bank and advised all affiliated units to extends total support to the unit of AIPNBOF at Himachal Pradesh at all level and make it a grand success.

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