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Indian Overseas Bank Union raises concern over harassment of Officers

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The Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) Officers’ Association has raised concerns about various issues affecting the bank’s officer community. In a letter to the All India Bank Officers Confederation (AIBOC), the association highlighted the bank’s unilateral approach to HR policies, sudden transfer orders, and a decline in officer morale due to increasing stress.

The letter specifically mentioned several service issues that require immediate attention. These include inadequate clerical staff at branches, which adds to the workload of officers, the unethical practice of denying day-end permission that poses a safety risk to officers, calling officers to work on Sundays and holidays, conducting review meetings at late hours or on holidays, and denying officers’ leave requests even for genuine reasons.

The letter also expressed concerns about the denial of a balanced work-life environment and the breach of the board-approved transfer policy. Transfer orders issued by top and regional management, allegedly due to non-achievement of targets, were strongly criticized. The humiliation of officers during review meetings was highlighted as a pressing issue, further exacerbating the challenges within the bank’s organizational culture.

It is worth noting that employees in Public Sector Banks (PSBs) have faced various obstacles, including staff shortages, target pressures, weekend work, and the mis-selling of third-party products to meet targets. Late meetings extending beyond office hours have added to the challenges faced by PSB bankers.

The IOB Officers’ Association’s concerns shed light on the need for addressing these issues to ensure a conducive work environment and the well-being of officers within the banking sector.


  1. Bank officers life is a slavery life it never change and nobody can change this is true

  2. Very inhuman harassment is going on in iob
    Even women officers are being abruptly transferred which is against the bank’s transfer policy as well as against government guidelines. Management should know about the geographical conditions of the branches before accusing the officers for not achieving the target. Person sitting in the conference room reviewing and accusing doesn’t know the hardwork put up by the officer in the field before facing the review meeting. Top management officials visit only the city branches. They would not do this if they visit the rural branches. Top management should be assigned a task to visit all the branches once in a year.

  3. Cause of harassment be known . Those responsible be brought to book exemplarily. Gone are the days when superiors are to rule over their subordinates as per their whims abs fancies

  4. AIBEA ruined banking system. Officers had been exploited for the last fifty years. No talent is coming to banking.
    A lower division clerk in Municipality has earning much higher than AGM of bank.
    It is curse to be officer in a bank.

  5. This kind of allegations are coming from various banks including PSB and private banks, it should be changed…

  6. Harrasment from top management is not a new issue. Regarding target achievement, bringing new business, manageing branch routine within working hours smoothly with inadequate staff. Facing new problems regarding costomer service, staff unrest. List is too long. And after facing this they have to face the review meetings.
    When an officer coming from entirely different geographical area or region after transfer, how one can expect his friendly communication with local branch staff and costomers and business from them.

  7. Yes management of iob is harassing their staff through transfers , punishment posting,mid academic transfer, day end or EOD restrictions , targets , denial of leave etc.Due to this especially women staffs are resigning.
    If this situation will continue nobody will come forward to work in psb. Lot of corruption is prevailing in transfer posting and promotion.

    1. since you are jobless/working in private co, i can understand your feelings. Brother get some IQ first and then comment.

  8. IOB officers too can change the situation in their favour .Union Bank officers have succeeded in coming out of slavery.Why not you?Contact them, please.Save your selves…..

  9. No effective leaders both in Association and in Union that is the reason for this situation. During the period of erstwhile experienced leaders they never groomed up second line leaders to take on the march after their retirement. Till last date of retirement they enjoyed their stay and left without thinking the future welfare of the employees.😪😪 Just like our national politics.

  10. Useless inefficient corrupt IOb, staff , privatise and there’s a solution. IOb PPL don’t even know fundamental banking hence hv to work extra hours due to their inefficiency and not over work. They go for training eat and sleep instead of gaining knowledge of basic banking. For everything bribe Is expected by the managers.

  11. I am working in a private sector bank as a female clerk under iba.Our working hours is 10 to 5.Manager is not allowing us to go to home even at 6.o clock.If we start at 6 she will call us inside the cabin and she will ask lots of questions regarding products, insurance,how much business you have sourced today and we are not able to go piecefully to the home.I am having 2 small kids .Daily starting at 7 o clock from branch.No.personal life for us.She will keep meeting till 8o clock.No.leaves will be sanctioned.She harasses us to do insurance of our personal . Totally it’s horrible.

  12. That will also affect the vote bank of BJP in the forthcoming General Elections. Not only the suffering Bank employee also their family members and friends votes will turned against them…

  13. Staff per branch has dwindled. There were 12 staff in the IOB br nearby but today there are just 4.How does this shortage help the bank? More savings by way of salaries.Sr executives think they are achievers and harass lower level staff, no end. There shd be a rule, that after end of day, none shd be Q or asked to answer the boss. They are free to attend to their

    families and personal work.

    Only lectures will not help work-life balance. Practice this must start from the TOP.


  14. It’s agenda of BJP to torture almost all central govt employees (rbi, psb, insurance, PF etc) to go as VRS to recruit new people with EWS 10% reservation,BJP knows that like Electoral Bond judgement this EWS reservation bill also will be scrapped by Top Court, before that they must appoint their loyalists in all the sectors, because new vacancies is only few, but if govt torture employees, VRS will be there to push their loyalists (in the last 5 years VRS of the central govt employees is more than normal retirement statistics shows, it’s hidden agenda of govt)

  15. Very correct article. CMD Himself giving orders for transfer of staff to HR department on the basis of non achievement of targets,without knowing the potential of the Branch,locality in which Branch is situated and past performance of the Branch. If a Branch did exceptionally well during previous FY then CMD has nothing to do with it.Now your last year’s perfomance is the base for the target for next FY and he doesn’t want to listen anything else. They are not realistic , they are not ready to understand that it is not every time possible to achieve targets in every parameters,ultimately officers are receiving mid term transfer orders through length and breath of the country

    1. Very correct sir CMD sits in AC rooms enjoys facilities given by government like vehicle, tea snacks, driver gets commission till he is in his position and switches over to another bank if he gets higher pay where as an officer drinks his tea with his own money and work for the bank till his retirement. He has to face the frustation of customers, higher officials and management and finally he is punished to stay away from his family no matter what his age is.

  16. You are very correct Tushar sir.
    Officers work hard for the bank and they continue their hard work till their retirement whereas CMD switches over to another bank for higher pay. He has to think who is loyal to bank. CMD Sits in AC room enjoying government facilities tea, snacks, vehicle etc and getting higher pay. Officers in the field drinks tea with his money. He has to face the frustration of the customer, superiors, management. He is punished to stay away from his family. They should understand that officers earn for the government, bank, management and finally for him too. Person who understands this is eligible to be a CMD.

  17. The Top management should review their HR policy and take corrective action. The morale of the staff is at the lowest level. By treating the staff well much could be achieved by JOB!!!

  18. I O B me ak new Passbook lene me hme 2 months ka samay lga kyu ke bank me koe staff kaam karna he nhi chahta hai. Bs mobile pe lge rahna hai. Lady staff to bilkul nhi

  19. People come to know the value of public sector enterprises when they open their accounts in private banks and additional amount is being debited from their accounts for not maintaining average monthly balance etc at higher rates and get deceived by the false promises made by private bankers to achieve their targets.

  20. Since this Modi took over no new recruitment since 2014. He wants to sell all govt Banks to Adan i& Ambani.

    Modi is an agent of crony capitalists. Just throw him in coming election and see the wonder.

    Modi hatao Desh bachao.

  21. I have worked in private bank as cashier I have to sell 20 somthing product and specially life insurance and general insurance every day is products login day they r creating to much pressure and harrassed every day to achieve the target if u not achieve they humiliate whole day and lots of meeting they conduct the behaviour of private bank is very intolerance no focus on operation work only sales I want to die from this atmosphere

  22. Banks face crores of loss only because of the loans approved by md and top management. The loans approved by md become NPA after few years they are waved. Management should understand that the officers are working for the profit of bank whereas md is working for himself due to which banking is facing loss. MD moves to the bigger bank for higher pay. Officers remain working hard for the profit of the bank.

  23. MD is behaving as if it is his father’s bank. It is like a kingdom rule. He has forgotten that it is government bank and not his father’s. He is doing the work of GM HR next he will do the duty of a substaff and sweeper.

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