The Rajasthan High Court has called for the Indian government to declare a national emergency in response to the ongoing heatwave that has claimed the lives of hundreds of people. The court, situated in Rajasthan, a state that has experienced particularly high temperatures in recent days, criticized authorities for their failure to adequately protect the public from the extreme heat. The court emphasized the urgency of taking action now to prevent further loss of life and secure a better future for generations to come.
Compensation Funds for Heatwave-Related Deaths
In its ruling, the court directed the state government to establish compensation funds for the relatives of individuals who have died due to heat-related ailments. This measure aims to provide financial support and assistance to the families affected by the devastating consequences of the heatwave.
Heatwaves as National Calamities
The court also recommended that heatwaves, both the current one and future occurrences, be classified as “national calamities.” This classification would enable the mobilization of emergency relief efforts, similar to those deployed during floods, cyclones, and other natural disasters. By recognizing heatwaves as national calamities, the court hopes to ensure timely and effective responses to mitigate the impact of extreme heat on the population.
Climate Change and Heatwaves in India
India has long experienced scorching summer temperatures, but scientific research indicates that climate change is exacerbating the frequency, duration, and intensity of heatwaves. The court’s stance aligns with findings that human-induced climate change is a driving force behind the devastating heat impact in India. As temperatures continue to rise, it is crucial to address climate change as a warning sign and take proactive measures to mitigate its effects.