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CBI arrests Punjab National Bank Manager for taking Bribe in KCC Loan

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In the town of Auraiya, a farmer recently made a Kisan Credit Card application at the Kudarkot branch of Punjab National Bank. However, he alleged that the bank manager requested a bribe of Rs 15,000 in exchange for processing his application. Disturbed by this unethical demand, the farmer decided to take action.

Farmer Reports the Bribery to CBI Ghaziabad

To address the issue, the farmer filed a complaint with the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in Ghaziabad. The CBI is a premier investigative agency in India responsible for handling cases related to corruption and other serious crimes. The farmer reported that he had given Rs 5,000 to the bank manager as part of the bribe, but he decided to come forward and seek justice.

CBI Conducts Raid on the Bank

In response to the farmer’s complaint, the CBI took swift action. On Saturday, the special anti-corruption team of the CBI in Lucknow conducted a raid on the Punjab National Bank branch in Auraiya. The farmer accompanied the CBI team during the raid, providing crucial evidence and assistance.

During the raid the bank manager instructed the farmer to deposit the bribe amount to the operator of a customer service center located nearby. This interaction led to the apprehension of the operator by the CBI team. Subsequently, the bank manager was also arrested for his involvement in the bribery case.

Farmer’s Loan Application and Bribery Incident

The farmer, identified as Arvind Kumar, had applied for a loan of Rs 3,38,000 through the Kisan Credit Card scheme. However, instead of receiving the proper assistance he deserved, he encountered corruption in the form of a bribe demand from the bank manager. Mr. Kumar decided to take a stand against this unethical behavior and approached the CBI in Ghaziabad.


  1. are these bribery cases are symbols of ‘Viksit Bharat’? In many cases it has come to notice during investigation that due to revengeful attitude, the customer allegedly made complaint. But when documentary evidences and Exibits matches, there is no excused to the culprit.

    My thought is that organisations like Bank, LIC, etc. fulfill all requirements of the employees and we all humans are water bubbles and we need four chapatis and obe bowl of 🥦🥕🌽
    then why people think all these wrong thoughts to become millionaire in over night

  2. कभी कभी यह फसाने की योजना लगती है।अभी सीबीआई अपने हिसाब से प्रबंधक को रिमांड मे लेगी।बेल न मिले ऐसी कोशिश करेगी।बॅन्क उसे सस्पेंड करेगी।सीबीआई केस जल्दी फाईनल नही करेगी। बॅन्क आगे मिलनेवाले पदोन्नती को रोकेगी।प्रबंधक की तो लाइफ बरबाद हो जायेगी।

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