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Case filed against UCO Bank Manager and Clerk in Rs.75 lakh fraud case

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The manager, clerk and employee of Harda UCO Bank committed fraud by cashing 11 checks kept as security against the credit limit and loan of the customers. Through cheques, Rs 75 lakh was transferred to the accounts of a sweeper working in a hotel, a current bank employee and relatives and acquaintances of the deceased employee. The police officer suspects of withdrawing the deposited money and giving commission to the sweeper.

The apprehension is also being strengthened because most of the accounts in which the money was transferred now have only Rs 500 to Rs 5000 deposited in them. On the complaint of customers Bhupesh Sharma and Ajay Tomar, City Kotwali Police has started investigation by registering a case under sections 420, 409 and 120B of IPC against UCO Bank Manager Nitin Malviya, Clerk Santosh Dubey and (deceased) employee Jitendra Rajput. In this case, accused bank employee Jitendra had consumed poison on November 20.

He died during treatment. Here, City Kotwali TI AR Khan said that investigation of the matter is going on. According to the information, Rs 25 lakh was transferred from the bank accounts of Pathak Colony resident Bhupesh Sharma and his son Ayush. Sharma kept checks for credit limit and son’s property mortgage. Sharma transferred the amount to different accounts through 2 and 3 checks signed by Ayush. Similarly, LIG Colony resident Ajay Tomar was made victim of fraud. Rs 50 lakh has been embezzled via the cheques deposited for the case limit.


  1. very shameful evil deeds.
    Since from nationalisation of Banks in,1969 and implementation from Desai Award to recently paid wage as per XII BPS with 17% hike, if Bank employee is not satisfied then there is no way out to eradicate the poverty of accused.

  2. Managers of the banks … Are always indulge in fraudulent …..activities ….using their power …..and clerks are unwanted framed in cases ..when managers got caught ….

  3. You can not blame all the bank employees for a misdeed of one culprit. i mean please do not generalise the matter. There are good and bad employees in every institution.

  4. There are microscopic no of staff who are doing these type fraud/negligence.
    For these we can’t blame as a whole

  5. UCO Baksara did not pay me the matured amount as mentioned in the certificate.
    In addition to TDS the Bank had deducted ‘interest on TDS’ to justify the excess deduction.
    I will be highly obliged to anyone who could clarify this ‘interest on TDS’.

  6. A section of employees of Banks are involved in Bank fraud cases and it is shameful that when fraud cases come to light , It now becomes common the employees union try to protect the culprits resulting the faith of Bank customers to Banks getting decaying .

  7. I solicited a KYC of a account holder in UCO bank in the account which I was told to deposit against a online Purchase. designer dress for marriage of my relative Rs1.2 lakhs
    I am Senior Citizen & Pay Tax to Govt of India.
    Working as a consultant / project
    I contacted in email to the Bank HO …no reply
    Personally visited the branch Darjeeling
    Entire payment online.
    Any good soul who can assist
    Me to recover the money.
    Or file a Police Case on the Bank Manager and KYC of the account holder were the payment was made
    My email

  8. There’s no concept of ” interest on TDS “. Its illegal.Take up the matter with banks higher authorities and if they don’t refund then complain to Banking Ombudsman.

  9. Not all the employees/officers of Banks are fraudulent. For misdeed of One corrupt employee, we shouldn’t blame the whole Bank fraternity.

  10. As for this case above, I believe there’s no fraud activity by the Clerical staff.

    👉 Never ever Post any voucher without the concerned customers signature. If u do it as the manager requested, even God can’t save u.

    👉 Don’t do it, like customer will come by 5 PM and he will sign.. A BIG NO.. Don’t risk urself.

    👉 Let the customer come & sign.

    👉 Else let the 2nd line & BM do it.

    Don’t get urself into trouble.
    There are no friends in a working place.

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