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‘Bhaad Mein Jaye Family’ Canara Bank Employee misbehaves with staff in online meeting

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Recently, a video has gone viral on social media in which a Canara Bank Employee named Lokapati Swain can be seen scolding and shouting at other staff during online meeting. As per the sources, the video is of Sambalpur region and the employee named Lokapati Swain is working as Chief Manager in Canara Bank.

तुम्हें काम करना है, चाहे होली डे ही क्यों ना हो,बैंक ने तुम्हें परिवार के साथ घूमने के लिए नौकरी नहीं दी है, भाड़ में गया तुम्हारा परिवार, मेरे लिए भी मेरा परिवार कोई मायने नहीं रखता.

He is seen shouting and pressuring staff members to work extra hours, even on holidays and leave their family obligations. “If you will not participate in recovery, including holidays because you want time after working to travel with your family but your hell to your family. What should I do? I don’t care about my family, I don’t care about my family also, I care about Canara Bank. So clear message to all, and if week-wise, Monday to Saturday, work is not happening, Saturday or Sunday, whenever holiday, and if you did not respond kindly, things will be different and for everyone be it officer, chief manager, AGM,” he said.

This incident has significantly damaged Canara Bank’s reputation. The video footage also includes a female staff member, making the use of such language even more inappropriate. The news of this incident has now been widely reported by major news channels across India.

Canara Bank is anticipated to take suitable action against these employees. The primary goal of a Public Sector Bank is to serve the public good. Despite this, the employees continue to dedicate themselves to the bank’s success, leading Canara Bank to report a net profit of Rs. 3757 crore for the March 2024 quarter.


  1. तो श्री मान जी
    कर्मचारी से पहले आप है
    अगर कर्मचारी की फैमिली भाड़ मे जाए तो फिर आपकी?

  2. The Higher officials should keep in Mind not to insult any officers or speak against their Family members. The Branch staff are not slaves or Beggars. Mind it. Let the management issue strict instructions to officials at CO/ZO/HO not to demotivate, Insult or demean any staff. It is the Branch staff that is Bringing business to Bank and not the Privileged people sitting at CO/ZO/HO. The Harrasment takes toll on Employees. It is just like Ragging in colleges, where Seniors torment Juniors to get their Work done or for Fun. Ragging is punishable offence. Similarly insulting and causing Trauma is punishable offense too. The HR team should immediately investigate the matter and suspend the culprit immediately, demote him and put the same person in Branch to source Business. Let’s see how he performs. Dear Officers, don’t let the Senior officials harass you. Let’s come together irrespective of Banks and Cadre. Speak out against Harassment. Suicide rates are sky rocketing in PSU Banks but nobody’s bothered. Bank will replace the deceased Bank Employee within a Week, but who will take care of the Family.

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