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Bank of Baroda Employees protest against Hyderabad RM for harassing Staff

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Bank of Baroda Officer’s Association Hyderabad has issued a letter to General Manager against unethical behaviour of Hyderabad Regional Manager – Mr. Aditya Kumar Kannaujiya. The bank union has urged GM to take action against the RM of Hyderabad Metro Region. It is alleged that the RM threatens the employees and shouts at them. This is entirely suppressing self respect and a violation of human rights. The union had earlier escalated this matter to GM, but no action was taken.

The RM conducts three review meetings per week on average, and these meetings are held during peak business hours. He has taken up valuable time of Branch, ultimately demotivating the Branch Heads and putting them under undue stress.

Quality business will come from motivation, not threats and humiliation. Due to this humiliation, majority of the staff are not showing enthusiasm in taking the responsibility of the Branch Head position.

The RM does not approve the leaves of Branch Heads and issues letter to them if they take emergency leaves.

It is also alleged that he forces branches to sanction loans against Bank guidelines. He insists branches to sanction gold loans under Agriculture portfolio without taking proof of land holding.

The union has also alleged that there is high nepotism going on in case of transfer and posting. Further the union has said that a huge fraud is going on in SHG Loans and has request General Manager of Hyderabad Zone to conduct inquiry into it.

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