Bank of Baroda Employees are not happy with the new Transfer Policy. Recently All India Bank of Baroda Officers’ Association has sent message to all principal office bearers to be ready for agitational program if the issue does not get resolved.

What is the transfer issue?
Message to All Principal Office Bearers
You may be aware that IZT orders have been sent to Zones/Regions by Corporate office. We are disturbed to see that most of our demands like including full 2021 batch, transferring all officers who failed to apply in past due to genuine reasons have not been agreed.
Similarly, bank has not released orders of officers (except ladies) who have completed 3 years and wanted to go to Patna, Bhubaneswar and Hyderabad Zones on the grounds that substitutes are not available from those zones. This fact can only be verified once we are shared with relevant data.
Yet another big blow which the bank has given in this exercise is by issuing sudden transfer orders of all officers who have completed 10 years in their respective zones thus affecting thousands of officers. Bank failed to consider the fall out of such unplanned transfer orders and its adverse impact on officers, their families, children education and even the likely worst impact on bank’s business. Neither prior information was shared with us nor the same was ever discussed in which we could have timely intervened. It is worth mentioning that such an unprecedented all India transfer exercise has never happened in our bank.
It appears that this arbitrary decision has been taken in haste without understanding its implications and such whimsical decision will move the bank backwards by totally demoralizing the officer’s community. We cannot allow such irrational steps which would harm officers, their families and above all our beloved mother institution.
We are engaging ourselves in discussions with Top Management and a meeting at BCC has been fixed for Monday i.e 10th Evening. We hope that we will be able to convince the Management not to go ahead with such arbitrary plans and rather help left out officers to go back to their home zones.
If the situation warrants, we will go for an agitational program and request you to please gear up and be in readiness for the same.
Don’t accept.. Don’t let them dictate
Inter zonal issue