An assistant manager of a bank in Balrampur has filed a dowry harassment report against her husband, who is currently the coordinator of 102 Mahtari Express in Surguja district. The assistant manager, Sushma Sharma, stated that her husband had been harassing her for about four years, physically abusing her and even throwing her out of the house. The name of bank has not been revealed due to privacy concerns.
Sushma Sharma and her husband, Pradeep Sharma, had a love marriage eight years ago. They initially lived in a rented house in Wadrafnagar, where their relationship was good for four years. Sushma Sharma also used to visit her in-laws in Pusaur.
However, after the birth of their child in 2020, things started getting changed. He also switched off his mobile phone, making it difficult for Sushma Sharma to communicate with him. Her husband started physically abusing her, suspecting her character.
The Balrampur police have registered a case of dowry harassment against Pradeep Sharma under section 498A of the Indian Penal Code. The investigation is currently ongoing.