AIBEA announces strike on 13th November due to suicide of GM in Karnataka Bank

In a shocking incident, a 51-year-old bank officer committed suicide by stabbing himself at his residence in Bondel, Mangalore on November 9.

The deceased has been identified as Vadiraj K, from Bondel. He was working as the General manager (Chief Compliance Officer) at Karnataka Bank.

Now All India Bank Employees Association (AIBEA) has announced All India Strike in Karnataka Bank on 13th November and 13th November will also be observed as Black Day.

Shri K A Vadhiraj was a young General Manager working as Chief Compliance officer in Karnataka Bank and it is really very sad to hear about his demise.

AIBEA Circular

It is with extreme sadness that we have received the distressing news of the unfortunate suicide of Shri K A Vadhiraj, young General Manger of your Bank yesterday apparently due to undue work pressure and humiliations from the top management. It is an irony that when Karnataka Bank is celebrating its glorious centenary due to the loyalty, commitment and dedication of the entire workforce in the Bank, the reward for all these contributions is the increasing pressure and changing work-culture expectations of the top management.

Please convey our heartfelt condolences and sympathies to the family of late Shri. Vadhiraj. All of us are with them at this hour of their grief and loss.

Oflate, we are observing that in your Bank, there is a change in the style of administration of the Bank by the top management. We want the Karnataka Bank to progress and emerge as a stronger Bank but the way it is sought to be done is unacceptable. Harassment of employees, officers and Executives and undue pressure applied on them in the name of Bank’s business growth will only be counter-productive and will result in unfortunate incidents like that of Shri Vadiraj.

We cannot countenance such a culture in administration of the Bank. In order to express our sympathies with the family of Shri Vadhiraj and to demand a better managerial climate in the Bank where all the staff and Executives will be motivated to contribute for the Bank’s growth, you are advised to observe 13th November, 2023 as Black Day and observe All India Strike in the Bank.

AIBEA announces strike on 13th November due to suicide of GM in Karnataka Bank
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