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29 year old UCO Bank Officer commits suicide due to harassment from seniors in Bank

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There is a big sad news for the entire banking industry. A 29 year old officer working in UCO Bank has committed suicide. The bank union has written a letter to the MD & CEO of the bank asking him to improve the work culture of bank. The officer is survived by his 28 year old wife and 1 year old daughter. It’s really very painful to head about this news.

What Union said to MD?

We are deeply shocked and entire UCO Bank is broken by the loss of younger brother of our UCO Family. Its more painful to know that the Zonal Office didn’t care to pass on even a condolences message or reach out to the family for needed support. Our Executives can be so inhuman and insensitive towards their human resources is beyond our imagination.

NOBO-BMS has recently written to the Hon’ble Finance Minister on the suicide of a Chief Manager in Union Bank. Now this Tragic loss has occurred in our Bank where we lost a young 29 year old officer. He is survived by his 28 year old wife and one year old daughter.

We are to submit that the way staff is being treated by Zonal office Chennai, there is an urgent need for a overhall of Chennai Z.O. failing which we should be prepared for receiving such heart breaking News of losing our young Officers in future also. It is totally disgusting to note that none of the Zonal Manager takes instructions issued by H.O. seriously.

Otherwise how it is possible that H.O. circular on Work Life Balance is not being implemented by Zonal Managers. Still BHs/ABHs are called to Zonal office for review meetings at 6 p.m. and made to sit till 9.00 p.m. and even later. Zonal Manager ,Chennai has told that he has been instructed by MD Sir to do so. Virtual meetings are held after business hours, where the Zonal Manager joins the meeting late and the meetings continue till the time of his choice.

These meetings are held multiple times in a week. This kills the work life balance of the Officers and impacts the productivity of our Bank. Life of Officers in our Bank has become so stressful which may be termed like a HELL. It has virtually become worse than a Private Bank Service. The entire Officers community has become so much demotivated and demoralised which our Zonal Heads and Top Management cannot assess.

We have lost Surya, but don’t want to lose any further life. We strongly demand that there should be no Review meetings physical or online beyond 6.00 p.m. The frequency of meetings should be restricted to once/ twice a week. The directions contained in Work life balance should be implemented strictly in its letter and spirit. There should not be any official communication to Staff from controlling office after 8.00 p.m.

Branches should not be opened and there should be no official communication on holidays. We seek your immediate intervention to ensure that work life balance in Chennai Zone as well as in all other Zones is secured at all cost. We are Human Beings and live in a civilised democratic Society. Our Nation is a Champion of human rights and all citizens of this country deserve to be treated as Humans.

We expect that our Top Management too treats its Officers as Human Beings. In absence of any corrective measures taken immediately by the Management to implement work life balance we shall be left with no other alternative but to take all required steps to safeguard legal rights and interests of our Officers.


  1. there is one more news that happened yesterday that is sidelined from the media. It is from uco bank peenya, bangalore . the manager called bachaan hold the throat of a PO officer srikanth very tightly. This news spread to the zonal office and union rapidly. but they didn’t took any action as the mnager is in scale 5 and handles the members of zonal office. he regularly holds neck, twists hands and throw objects on his staff. he even regularly scolds them and makes them to sit till 9 pm daily even when there is no work and also make them to come office even on Saturdays and holidays asking them to sacrify there personal life. I wish any of the media should investigate into it nd highlight the issue. so that they can help in stopping this kind of suicides.

  2. The officer’s who are not able to take pressure those don’t have to work… If they fail to deliver service then they can leave… Authority should take exam and recruit new officer and staff.

  3. The officers who are not able to take pressure those don’t have to work,they don’t need to work… If they fail to deliver service then they can leave… Authority should take exam and recruit new officers and staffs.

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