In a shocking incident in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, a retired chief manager of the State Bank of India (SBI), Indrajit Singh Rajput, was defrauded of ₹40.45 lakh by cybercriminals. The fraudsters used a sophisticated scam, posing as Delhi Police officers and leveraging the name of IPS officer Akash Kulhari to intimidate and manipulate the victim. The cases of digital arrest are increasing day by day. Recently, a Hyderabad Woman was Forced to Strip in Shocking Digital Arrest Scam.
How the Fraud Unfolded
On December 19, Indrajit Singh’s wife received a call at 9 AM from a person claiming to be an SBI customer service employee. The caller alleged that she had opened an account in Canara Bank and a credit card issued under her name was used for a fraudulent transaction of ₹1,09,999 on September 21, 2024. Terrified, she handed the phone to her husband.
Indrajit, a heart patient, introduced himself to the caller, who then transferred the call to a person claiming to be a “floor manager” named Naveen Sharma. Shortly after, another call came from someone pretending to be a Delhi Police officer. The fake officer scolded Indrajit and demanded photos of his and his wife’s Aadhaar cards to “verify” their identity for an investigation.
Escalation of the Fraud
The next day, December 20, the victim received another call, allegedly from SBI customer care. The caller claimed that a credit card linked to Indrajit’s name had been issued from Connaught Place, New Delhi, and was involved in a ₹2.56 crore money laundering case. The fraudsters accused Indrajit of receiving ₹25.60 lakh as a commission and being linked to over 200 fraudulent Aadhaar and credit cards.
Scared by the accusations, Indrajit and his wife followed the fraudsters’ instructions. They were told to keep the matter secret or face charges under the National Security Act (NSA).
A so-called senior officer, Nitin Pawar, then instructed Indrajit to deposit money into specific bank accounts to “resolve” the case. Under pressure, the victim transferred ₹18 lakh and ₹3.20 lakh into the mentioned accounts.
Multiple Transactions
On December 21, the fraudsters made Indrajit deposit additional amounts of ₹5.45 lakh, ₹3.30 lakh, and ₹2.70 lakh into their accounts. On December 23, they demanded the money from his Axis Bank account, which he also transferred. The criminals even urged him to sell his gold and deposit another ₹12 lakh to close the case.
Discovery of the Fraud
When the fraudsters asked him to liquidate mutual funds, Indrajit approached an officer at IIFL (India Infoline Finance Limited). The officer explained the concept of “digital arrest” and confirmed that it was a scam. Realizing the fraud, Indrajit filed a complaint on the Cyber Crime Portal and submitted a written complaint to the Cyber Police Station in Kanpur.
Past Incident of Digital Fraud
Indrajit revealed that he had fallen victim to a similar scam on September 21, losing ₹6 lakh via RTGS transactions.
Police Action
Kanpur Police have stated that an FIR will be registered after a thorough investigation. The case highlights the increasing use of fear and fake authority by cybercriminals to exploit victims.
Key Takeaways for Public Awareness
- Verify Calls: Always confirm claims made by callers through official channels.
- Do Not Share Sensitive Information: Never share Aadhaar details, bank information, or OTPs over the phone.
- Stay Alert: Government and police officials will not threaten or demand money over calls.
- Report Immediately: Contact cyber crime helplines and lodge a complaint as soon as suspicious activity occurs.
This case serves as a stark reminder of the need for increased vigilance in the face of rising cybercrime.