In a recent incident in Jawaja Panchayat Samiti, miscreants cut the SBI Bank ATM using a gas cutter at night and stole Rs 5 lakh 62 thousand. The accused tied the hands and feet of the security guard present at the scene and committed the crime. The villagers discovered the guard in the morning and immediately informed the police. The police are currently investigating the case.
ATM guard Norat Singh provided a statement to the police, stating that four to five robbers came, tied his hands and legs, assaulted him, and took away the cash from the ATM. The nearby villagers freed the guard and promptly went to the police station to lodge a report. The police swung into action, reached the incident site, and collected information. The Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) team, along with the Beawar District Superintendent of Police, gathered samples from the spot for further investigation.
Similar Incidents
Unfortunately, ATM robberies have been reported in various parts of the country. For example, in Dahisar, Mumbai, two masked men entered an SBI branch and fled with Rs 2.5 lakh after firing a fatal round at a contractual employee. In Alwar, Rajasthan, unidentified miscreants uprooted an SBI ATM containing Rs 25.83 lakh. In Nagpur, an interstate gang broke into an SBI ATM, dismantled the cash vending machine with gas cutters, and escaped with Rs 32 lakh. These incidents highlight the need for enhanced security measures to prevent such crimes.
in night off site ATMs should be shut down
from 9 pm to 6 pm in morning