LIC Multi Asset Allocation Fund NFO All Details

LIC Mutual Fund has launched its Multi Asset Allocation Fund, an open-ended scheme that invests in equity, debt, and gold to achieve long-term capital appreciation. The New Fund Offer (NFO) opened on January 24 and will conclude on February 7. The scheme will reopen for continuous sale and repurchase on February 18, the company said in a statement.

LIC Multi Asset Allocation Fund NFO Important Dates

Investment Strategy

Asset Allocation

Under normal circumstances, the asset allocation of the Scheme would be as follows:

InstrumentsIndicative allocations (% of total assets)
Equity and Equity related instruments**6580
Debt and Money market instruments1025
Units of Gold ETFs1025
Units of Silver ETFs010
Units issued by Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) & Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs)010

Exit Load –

If units redeemed/switched out within 3 months from allotment dateNil1% of applicable NAV
If units redeemed/switched out after 3 months from allotment dateNil

Minimum Amount Application

Lumpsum Application Amount (Other than fresh purchase through SIP) – Rs.5,000/- and in multiples of Re.1 thereafter.
SIP Amount -*
  1. Daily – Rs. 100/- and in multiples of Rs.1/- thereafter.
  2. Monthly – Rs. 200/- and in multiples of Rs.1/- thereafter.
  3. Quarterly – Rs. 1,000/- and in multiples of Rs.1/- thereafter.

*SIP Start date shall be after re-opening date of the scheme

Plans and Options

The Scheme offers Regular Plan and Direct Plan.Regular Plan is for investors who wish to route their investment through any distributor.Direct Plan is only for investors who purchase /subscribe Units in a Scheme directly with the Mutual Fund or through Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) and is not available for investors who route their investments through a Distributor.The Regular and Direct plan will be having a common portfolio.

The Scheme shall have the following Options:

  1. Growth Option
  2. Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal (IDCW) Option*

IDCW Sub Options are:

  1. Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal.
  2. Payout of Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal
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