Government guidelines on posting and transfer of Female staff in Banks

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In India, government guidelines have been implemented to address the posting of female staff in banks. These guidelines aim to ensure equal opportunities and provide a conducive work environment for female employees.

Government Initiatives for the Placement of Female Employees in Public Sector Banks

The placement and transfer of female employees in Public Sector Banks (PSBs) have been a matter of concern, particularly when they are relocated far away from their spouses or parents. Recognizing the hardships and insecurity faced by these employees, the government has taken steps to address this issue. Let’s delve into the government’s decisions and initiatives in this regard.

Accommodation for Married Female Employees

To reduce the difficulties faced by married female employees, the government has decided to prioritize their placement or transfer requests. As per this decision, PSBs are advised to accommodate married female employees at a location where their husbands are stationed, or as close as possible to that place. This measure aims to promote family stability and reduce the emotional strain caused by long-distance separation.

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Support for Unmarried Female Employees

Recognizing the importance of familial support, the government has also emphasized the placement or transfer requests of unmarried female employees. In line with this, PSBs are advised to accommodate these employees at a location where their parents are stationed, or as close as possible to their parents’ place. This provision acknowledges the need for a support system and aims to address the concerns of unmarried female employees.

Policy Implementation and Compliance

To ensure the effective implementation of these initiatives, PSBs are advised to formulate a comprehensive policy on this subject. The policy should be developed with the approval of the respective PSB’s Board and should incorporate the aforementioned guidelines. PSBs are urged to take immediate action to implement and comply with this policy, thereby creating a more supportive and inclusive work environment for female employees.

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    • Govt should flame policy that one member either husband or wife can be in govt job.

      Otherwise make employees will be the sufferer the most. He will be the Bali ka bakra for rural and fare away postings and his child and wife will suffer.

  1. Respected sir/ mam
    I have a same issue regarding posting ND transfer policy of psb.
    I m in pnb as a officer since wife is in canara a clerical. We have a two small kids.
    Pls we r suffering now a days fr this particular issues.
    My cell no 7600065169

  2. Equal opportunities word is misused. At the end of the day it is employees who are neither a part of backward Community nor female community who will have to bear the brunt. If unequal treatment is meted out to makes belonging to non backward communities then one day the banks will have only females and backward communities employees.

    • Correct before merger in syndicate bank many female officer employees tend to get whatever branches they want due to which male employees like us to suffer . Male bank employees struggles are many especially when they are only child of thier parents.Hence this policy only creates problems for us due to which many male employees who want to work decent department are not getting decent opportunity

  3. The male employees having working wife and unmarried srudying girl children should also be extended similar facility to give a sense of security to female members of the family. If not, such male employee will be always getting posting to far away places because the female employees have to be posted beneficially.

  4. Emotional issues are same irrespective of gender. If a male employee is separated from his family for the sake of work, his family also suffer equally. Considering the principles of gender equality, this guidelines need to be made gender neutral. Otherwise, for accommodating comforts of one gender, the other gender will have to compensate (no.of employees who can be posted to distant centres will come down but such requirements will remain the same, thereby adding to the burden of available male employees. The gravity will go up, as gender parity in number of employees catch up)

  5. Govt is akeen to the female employees of the PSU bank is praiseworthy. We want the distress of bank employees may also be minimised by approving the pension revision with the bipartite agreement of bank sutff union and IBA.

  6. Nothing wrong as Women need more protection than Men. At the same time the deserving Men also shown support by the Management in posting as well as transfer. Here on matters of posting the rules/ orders must automatically come into play and not on the whims and fancies of the higher authorities. The benefit in following a genuine policy on posting/ transfer is the improvement in the efficiency, and output of work as there will not be frequent leave from duty because of working in a far off place from the family/ spouse. At this moment we need to salute our Jawans for working in the borders bearing the extreme climatic conditions.

  7. Every employee should be accommodated to nearby place. So that they can come back to their family at the end of the day…

  8. In SBI all clerical staff joining bank in the year 2020 and thereafter have been restricted even to apply for transfer on spouse ground. It is life time ban on inter state , inter circle transfers. Beyond imagination. No where in the world such policy has been declared or observed . Interestingly it is also against the norms and settlement with the recognized association of clerical staff.

  9. Females have to face alot of problems regarding their security. There is too much rise in crime against women. The whole family has to suffer. The person sitting at the top enjoys this by transferring employees very far from their state . Family members have to move with women employees for their care. Even many goons are already there in the organisation to harash women at work place .

  10. Actually implementation is most husband is in abroad and mother in law is suffering from hysteria.
    My child was 2 years I was travelled around 150 kilometers up and down daily 3 surgery was done.stiil management any time transfer at any place my life is very critical I left home 8 am and reached home 9.15 or late night.policy must be implemented,

  11. Rule should be equal for all why female many male are also suffered now it is implied only male will transferred to rural then why not pay them extra bank should consider case by case

  12. Other side of the coin, stays this way
    A man ( male ) with single income can be transferred to any distance not considering the fact that he also has a family and he is the sole bread winner.
    If a institution needs a person to be transferred to some remote or a most refundable place that male will be transferred leaving no concern about his family and about his earning

    But the female employee can be with her husband or partner along with double earning.Good idea 💡

    • Exactly that’s what my point is… accordingly Male doesn’t have any rights. A male is there to get punishment on account of rotational transfer, posting and harrasment is God gifted with that ..

  13. My spouse is suffering from low anaemic disorder.four time blood transfusion is done .in this I too need stability with family issue but beings male am deprived of such type of support like local area transfer. Here in this case management thinks we do not need any support.really foolish idea on papers …. practically harassment to staff.

  14. My wife is posted to Mysore as an assistant and I am here in Lucknow and our families are from Lucknow. She didn’t know about this policy before joining at they didn’t mention the same in their advertisement and she blindly signed the agreement. Now they are not accepting her application for transfer.

  15. Shameless Act as in 2024, we are talking on the grounds of Male/Female, remaining all places equality, fraternity, feminism bla blaa blaaaa shit is happening in this country….if you are male then you will be dealing with a lot of shit but if you are a woman the people with treat you like this, rotational transfer for men is fine but for information…. A man also have wife, kids, parents, siblings, friends…so they don’t deserve such things?

  16. I m a male employee of pnb n my wife is working in sbi. She is posted in home town. But I m posted 150 kms away from home. Is there any policy for male employee who wants to go to nearby his wife?

  17. That norms should also applicable for males.
    Ohhh sorry i forget that this era is well known as Feminism…

  18. I request that Old circular of 2014 should be made new in 2024 by the MOF and the RBI for the welfare of female employees.

  19. Generally female staff are posted in comfortable location nearest to their family, but more numbers of female creating a environment that male will have least chance of his place of posting. Better to restrict female staff upto 33% employment only.

  20. Generally female staff are posted in comfortable location nearest to their family, but more numbers of female creating a environment that male will have least chance of his place of posting. Better to restrict female staff upto 33% employment only.

  21. Gender equality , women empowerment must apply in all parameters not only interms of pay and allowances.Both the genders are human beings where favouring only one tatamount to Gender inequality.To me , this policy is Gender discrimination.When we talk about gender equality, it means that “Women also can do what Men can do”.

  22. So a woman employee has the privilege in every way possible, at the expense of male employees? Men do not have families, parents, or children to attend to?

    Why hire women in the first place then? When it comes to promotions again the same women line up with a bowl for priority in the name of equality.

    You can either have promotion or choice of posting and not both. Even if it is a woman, the rule should apply.

    As such the only reason people do bank jobs are because they get their salaries from the public exchequer and it is all valuable tax payer money. They are a waste of bank’s money and resources considering how incompetent the public sector banks have been (SBI included). The majority of banking has moved from traditional banking to merchant banking. PSB’s are highly incompetent technically in that aspect. Why? Because you are hiring on the basis of PO exam which has zero need for specialisation and hard skill. All of them are glorified clerks who do not have to open a book to read after the recruitment is over. May be we should rethink how much public tax payer money can be spent on these bank employees their housing accommodations, lavish healthcare coverages. There should be a movement.

  23. I had also been harassed by the management of Repco Bank headquartered in chennai. Transferred to Vijayawada from coonoor during June 2019. Got a transfer to coonoor during May 2023. But not able to join due to issues in transhipment of my household gadgets from Vijayawada to coonoor. This year also submitted transfer request.

  24. After joining any institution there should not be any preference for ladies is my opinion. Why only men be away from families…it’s well known that wife will be in non transferable jobs…means to say men should always suffer…There need not be a policy to protect women on trasfers.It’s clearly mentioned in the advertisement that you should be ready to work any where…Now the women strength in PSBs is almost 45%….How can the bank be run….stop all this…My wife is also employees in different organisation…We managed..
    Women want all benefits including promotions and posting….but transfer should be according to their choice…Not acceptable…No discrimination..

  25. The policy should be equal for Male and Female. Male also suffer with emotional stigma .They have also Wife Mother child
    So Female are to be treated equal to the fast moving society

  26. J to galt hai..Male ko jha marji lga do..female ko ghr k pass rakho..male ko koi kaam nai hota kya..female staff to apne bhaane bna bna k pehle he bhut kaam se bhaag jaati hai..

  27. Why only Public Sector why not other females working in private sector? In General even males go through the same. Also some individuals prefer to stay away. Where some are happy when transferred abroad or places of their choice and some do get places of their choices but all are not lucky.

  28. This is a gender biased decision and will have larger impact in working culture as well as productivity of men employees. This is against gender equality. When you are joining a bank it is clearly mentioned that posting at anywhere in India. Then why such preferences. If so this must be applicable to men also. Further there are other PSUs’ where place of posting is continously at one place. Also private sectors are there. When there is ample scope in other industries or other companies why they are joining banks only. When you are joining means you all are aware of the job terms and conditions. Knowing fully well why then this policy is required to be implemented. If required then same way it required to be be implemented for men employees as well.

  29. Already female employees have 100 excuses to evade from work, once gone close to home means it will further grow up. How to run the bank in such case. Please think practically before making any decision

  30. Firstly allow govt. To post these female near to their choice and family.. When they settled ger married to them…. U also get posting with ur spouse.
    FM and PM ko bhej dege hard location pe… Chalate rahege desh

  31. सरकार जी को चाहिए, और थोड़ा समानता का कानून ले आए महिलाओं को कार्यालय आने का कष्ट ही न दे, बस वेतन भत्ता और सभी सरकारी सुविधाएं अविलंब देती रहे।

    जय हो इक्वालिटी, और सरकार नीति

  32. I also request govt to issue fresh policy regarding posting nearby her or his home and family so that dono manage krna easy ho ghar bhi and work bhi… Dur posting se stressfree kam krna impossible h and female employees without their children kitna tough h kam krna koi imagine nhi kr sakta

  33. How long this disparity … Why always special treatment to working females at the cost of poor males … Will this policy be implemented in Defence Services also ? Any valid reason, why this policy cannot be extended to all employees ?! This could save lot of resources … Savings cud improve … spendings wud increase …

    Housewives cud be saved frm so much of anguish and trauma … Housewives are also females … Who are taking care of the families in the absence of Males of the family … Please give a meaningful thought …!!!

  34. Indian men still wont believe that matrix is for real, they are pushing women in every field so that they can control men, to all the Indian men out their start listening to Andrew Tate and @freshandfitpodcast you will know. It government are planning a war against men using women. Fuck feminism and women empowerment women deserves less.


  36. Spouse grounds should be considered equally to both men and women,how can a single women take care of toddlers and elderly- in laws with medical issues, it’s not so easy to handle them for a working single women without husband’s support.
    Ultimately, all these leads to mental and physical stress on the couple who are staying away from the families for jobs.
    It’s almost 8 yrs we married ,since then my husband is not posted in hometown or near to hometown.
    even ,they didn’t considered transfer under medical grounds.
    It’s so unfare to all the families of male employees .

    Kindly consider the poor families of male employees too who are facing extreme stress which is going unnoticed .this might be one main reason now a days young premature deaths happening.

    This is my humble request, kindly, kindly,kindly please do consider male employees too.


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