Indore’s Vijay Nagar Police has uncovered a major fraud involving a relationship manager at ICICI Bank’s Scheme Number 54 branch. Kamal Kumawat, the accused employee, along with his associate Shivam, has been booked for tampering with customer account details and withdrawing money illegally.
The fraud came to light during an internal investigation by the bank when irregularities were noticed in two customer accounts. According to Jaideep Patidar, the bank’s cluster manager, Kamal accessed the accounts multiple times and shared confidential details with Shivam. Using these details, Shivam changed the passwords online, generated OTPs, and withdrew ₹5.64 lakh from one account and ₹3.50 lakh from another, totaling ₹9.14 lakh.
Confession and Further Investigations
During interrogation, Kamal confessed to the crime, admitting that he had shared the account information with Shivam in exchange for a commission. The investigation has also revealed tampering in other accounts, which is currently being probed by the bank’s surveillance team.
Bank’s Response
Jaideep Patidar stated that the bank has taken the issue seriously and has implemented additional security measures to prevent such incidents in the future. The case highlights the importance of safeguarding customer account details and maintaining robust monitoring systems.
Police Action
Vijay Nagar Police have registered a case against Kamal and Shivam under fraud charges. The police are now working closely with the bank to gather evidence and ensure the guilty are held accountable.
Advisory to Customers
The bank has urged its customers to stay vigilant and immediately report any suspicious activity in their accounts. Strict action will be taken to ensure justice and protect the trust of customers.