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Employee arrested for defrauding Rs.10 lakhs from SBI Currency Chest

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The Khetri police have achieved a significant milestone in their investigation into an embezzlement case involving Rs 10 lakh from the SBI bank. The accused has been successfully apprehended, and the police have also recovered the stolen amount of ten lakh rupees. Let’s delve into the details.

Background of the Case

According to Police Officer Bhanwarlal Kumawat, the incident was reported by Harishchandra, the manager of the Khetri SBI branch, on March 26. The Khetri branch acts as a currency chest branch, where cash from nearby branches is consolidated and distributed as per requirements. The responsibility of transporting cash to and from the branches lies with the CMS company, and one of their employees, Manoj Kumar, was involved in this case.

On March 8, 2024, a vehicle dispatched from the Shimla branch arrived at the Khetri branch carrying ten lakh rupees. Manoj Kumar brought the money to the branch at around 3 o’clock, placing it in a box near the counter. However, due to a subsequent two-day bank holiday, the money remained untouched.

The Embezzlement

On March 11, another request for twenty lakh rupees arrived from the Shimla branch. Manoj Kumar was entrusted with this amount and placed it in the box behind the counter. Here is where the embezzlement occurred: Manoj took away the previously deposited ten lakh rupees, along with the newly received twenty lakh rupees. To further complicate matters, when five lakh rupees were returned from the Shimla branch on the same day, Manoj Kumar brought the money in a bag instead of the usual box.

Upon reconciling the accounts at the end of the day, a discrepancy of ten lakh rupees was discovered. An investigation was immediately initiated.

The Investigation and Arrest

As part of the investigation, the police team meticulously examined the CCTV footage, leading them to focus their attention on Manoj Kumar, a resident of Makdo, belonging to the Yadaram Jat caste. After intense questioning, Manoj Kumar eventually confessed to the crime of embezzlement. Subsequently, the police arrested him.

Recovery of Stolen Amount

In a significant breakthrough, the Khetri police have successfully recovered the full amount of ten lakh rupees from the possession of the accused. This recovery underscores the effectiveness of the investigation conducted by the police team.


The arrest of the accused in the embezzlement case by the Khetri police is a significant accomplishment. The recovery of the stolen amount sends a strong message about the commitment of law enforcement agencies to safeguard the interests of the public and maintain the integrity of financial institutions. The efforts of Police Officer Bhanwarlal Kumawat, SI Banwarilal, Constable Rajveer, Mahesh Kumar, Anil Kumar, and the entire police team are commendable in bringing the perpetrator to justice.