Compliance Governance Structure

  • Introduction

A compliance governance structure is a framework that outlines the roles, responsibilities, and relationships of the various stakeholders involved in ensuring compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and internal policies. A well-defined compliance governance structure is essential for any organization that wants to minimize its risk of non-compliance.

  • Components of a Compliance Governance Structure

A compliance governance structure typically includes the following components:

* **A **compliance committee** or **board-level** oversight body that is responsible for setting the organization's overall compliance strategy and monitoring its compliance performance.
* **A **chief compliance officer** (CCO) who is responsible for implementing the organization's compliance program and providing advice and guidance to employees on compliance matters.
* **A **compliance team** of professionals who are responsible for conducting compliance audits, providing training to employees, and developing compliance policies and procedures.
* **Employees** who are responsible for complying with the organization's compliance program and reporting any suspected non-compliance to the CCO or compliance team.
  • The Importance of a Compliance Governance Structure

A compliance governance structure is important for a number of reasons:

* It helps to ensure that compliance is everyone's responsibility, not just the CCO's.
* It provides a clear line of accountability for compliance.
* It helps to identify and mitigate compliance risks.
* It helps to protect the organization from financial penalties, reputational damage, and legal liability.
* It helps to build trust with the organization's stakeholders.
  • Common Challenges to Compliance Governance

There are a number of common challenges to compliance governance, including:

* Lack of resources: Many organizations do not have the resources to devote to a comprehensive compliance program.
* Lack of commitment from senior management: If senior management is not committed to compliance, it is difficult to create a culture of compliance within the organization.
* Lack of awareness of compliance requirements: Employees may not be aware of the organization's compliance requirements or how to comply with them.
* Lack of communication: There may be a lack of communication between the various stakeholders involved in compliance, such as the CCO, the compliance team, and employees.
  • Conclusion

A well-defined compliance governance structure is essential for any organization that wants to minimize its risk of non-compliance. By ensuring that everyone in the organization understands their roles and responsibilities, and that there is a clear line of accountability for compliance, organizations can help to protect themselves from financial penalties, reputational damage, and legal liability.


  1. Which of the following is not a component of a compliance governance structure?
    • Compliance committee
    • Chief compliance officer
    • Compliance team
    • Employees
    • The correct answer is Compliance manager. A compliance manager is a role within the compliance team, but not a component of the compliance governance structure itself.
  2. Which of the following is the most important component of a compliance governance structure?
    • Compliance committee
    • Chief compliance officer
    • Compliance team
    • Employees
    • The correct answer is Compliance committee. The compliance committee is responsible for setting the organization’s overall compliance strategy and monitoring its compliance performance. This is the most important component of a compliance governance structure because it ensures that compliance is a top priority for the organization.
  3. Which of the following is not a common challenge to compliance governance?
    • Lack of resources
    • Lack of commitment from senior management
    • Lack of awareness of compliance requirements
    • Lack of communication
    • The correct answer is Lack of a compliance committee. A compliance committee is a key component of a compliance governance structure, but it is not a challenge to compliance governance.