In Jaipur, a young woman working at a private bank orchestrated a cunning scam targeting her own acquaintances. This woman, identified as Anjali Tiwari, opened bank accounts for several people she knew, including eight members of a single family. She then issued credit cards for these accounts and deceitfully promised them gift vouchers worth ₹2 lakh each. When the family agreed to receive the vouchers, she tricked them into providing OTPs sent to their mobile phones. With these OTPs, Anjali then embezzled ₹1.22 lakh using the credit cards.
The incident took place in the Gandhi Nagar police station area of Jaipur. According to the police, Anjali Tiwari used her position to exploit Arun Sharma’s family from Bapu Nagar. She lured them into opening bank accounts and obtaining credit cards under the pretense of winning gift vouchers worth millions. Arun Sharma and his eight family members were deceived into providing their details, leading Anjali to withdraw ₹51 lakh from their credit cards. She subsequently transferred ₹70 lakh into the accounts of her fiancé, Shekhar Tiwari, her father, Ravi Mohan, and others.
For several days, Arun and his family were unaware of the fraud. It was only when the bank began calling to reclaim the money that Arun realized something was amiss. As the bank sent notices for outstanding amounts, the reality of the scam dawned on him. When Arun tried to contact Anjali, she had blocked his number and ceased communication. Arun then filed a complaint at the Gandhi Nagar police station. Since the report was filed, Anjali Tiwari has been on the run.
Sub-Inspector Suman Meena of Gandhi Nagar police station is investigating the case. She revealed that a large transaction was found in Shekhar Tiwari’s bank account, leading to his arrest. Anjali, her father Ravi Mohan, and other accomplices are being sought. The specifics of where the embezzled ₹1.22 lakh was invested will be revealed once Anjali is apprehended.
The investigation also uncovered that the accused had created a fake website for investing large sums of money. Manish Gupta, a young man, was paid a significant amount for this purpose. Subsequently, victims were contacted by two women, Kavita and Nitya, from Noida and were tempted to invest in ICICI Prudential Insurance and CAMS. This ruse was used to misuse their credit cards and siphon off funds.