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Bank AGM commits suicide due to office pressure, Read his suicide note

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An AGM of Central Bank of India has committed suicide. AGM Rajesh Kumar was posted at Churchgate Mumbai Branch. In his suicide note, he mentioned that he took this severe step due to harassment by higher management.

Bank AGM Suicide Note

मैं आजकल कुछ official work की वजह से काफी depressed महसूस कर रहा हूँ, हालाकिं मैंने कोई गलती नहीं की. मैं इतना परेशान हो गया हूँ की मुझे कुछ भी अच्छा नहीं लगता even बच्चों से बात भी नहीं कर पता हूँ. मैं इतना परेशान हो गया हूँ की अपने जीवन का अंत कर रहा हूँ. हालाकिं मेरे suicide के लिए कोई बह ज़िम्मेदार नहीं है, ये मेरे दिमाग की वजह से है. मैं अपनी पत्नी अंजलि, बच्चों एवं माँ, भाई, बहन से माफ़ी की उम्मीद करता हूँ. मैं इतना कमजोर हो गया कि मुझे ऐसा करना पद रहा है. Management से request है कि सभी loan adjust कर एवं furniture adjust कर मेरे PF/gratuity का पैसा मेरे नॉमिनी Anjali Sinha को दिया जाए. Laptop (बैंक का) टेबल पर रख दिया हूँ. मेरे इस कायराना हरकत के किए किसी को ज़िम्मेदार नहीं समझाना चाहिए। सभी लोग please मुझे माफ़ करेंगे। मैं जनता हूँ कि परिवार के लिए बहुत मुश्किल होगी लेकिन में मजबूर हूँ. मेरी wife बहुत strong है, संभल जरूर लेगी. Sorry to all. Bank के काम को सच्ची तरह से किया हूँ. लेकिन depressed रहने के वजह से audit period (audit करने में) शायद कुछ चूक हुई. कोई भी इसके लिए जिम्मेदार नहीं है मेरे आलावा।

This is not the first such case. A lot of suicide are being witnessed in banks due to high work pressure and harassment from higher management. Bank job has become a lot risky as the officers are engaged in activities such as loan, forex, cheque transfer. If any mistake is committed by the officers, then they are held liable for the same and officer is held accountable for it.

Central Bank of India

Central Bank of India is an Indian public sector bank based in Mumbai. The Central Bank of India was established on 21 December 1911 by Sir Sorabji Pochkhanawala with Sir Pherozeshah Mehta as Chairman, and the first commercial Indian bank completely owned and managed by Indians.

Disclaimer: This story has been submitted and auto-published by a user. hellobanker is not responsible for any content.


  1. It is the top hierarchy of the management which is responsible for
    His suicide They will simply don’t care for his suicide. they torture physically and mentally in every possible way for the business targets and the result is this

    1. Yes definitely true. They torture physically and mentally in all possible way, but God is helping us to overcome all the trails.

      Feeling very sad & sorry for him. Without thinking anything he took wrong decision.

  2. Earlier days no such incidents
    Top management has to think over it
    HR is becoming very weak
    Don’t lose the experienced staff in the disguise of business, try to improve morale. So that next generation will be guided accordingly

  3. Pressure is high in banking industry now a days but one should not take drastic step of ending his life he can simply say I quit Bkz life is precious than carrier.

  4. Am sad about this suicide.It leaves his wife ,children and parents in ,great life long sufferings.Let’s shift the direction to bank management Human Resource Departments in banks are so INHUMANE It’s the time for them to ponder over these sensitive issues. Apart from VRS some smooth exit policy be put in place and various on line training programmes be launched towards making the banks better work place.

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