RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das unveiled a financial inclusion dashboard called ‘Antardrishti‘ on Monday. The dashboard aims to provide comprehensive information to assess and monitor the progress of financial inclusion by collecting relevant data. It will also help identify areas with a high degree of financial exclusion at a local level, enabling targeted interventions.
Initially designed for internal use within the RBI, the dashboard will promote greater financial inclusion through a collaborative approach involving multiple stakeholders. The RBI has been actively supporting financial inclusion through various policy initiatives, and the launch of ‘Antardrishti’ marks another significant step in this direction.
The Financial Inclusion (FI) Index, constructed by the RBI in 2021, serves as a key measure to evaluate the extent of financial inclusion. Developed in partnership with the government and sectoral regulators, the FI-Index is a comprehensive tool that covers banking, investments, insurance, postal services, and pension sectors.
The FI-Index provides a single value ranging from 0 to 100, where 0 represents complete financial exclusion and 100 signifies full financial inclusion. It consists of three major parameters:
- Access (35%)
- Usage (45%)
- Quality (20%)
Each parameter comprises various dimensions, computed based on multiple indicators. The introduction of ‘Antardrishti’ underscores the RBI’s commitment to enhancing financial inclusion and fostering a more inclusive and equitable financial system in India.
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